Chapter 5

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Anthony was heading into The Pack's private hideout. He noticed how damp and dark it was. The only explanation for this is that this is a cave. At the end of the cave was sunlight. He went through to see more woods, huts, and a bunch of people walking around. "Such a nice place here. Now I need to ask where I can find the Empress's cousin." Anthony said to himself. Anthony walked around asking people where to find the one they call Wolfy."Excuse me ma'am, but I am looking for a girl called Wolfy. Do you know where I can find her around here?" Anthony asked a woman about in her 40's. "What business do you have for my daughter?" asked Wolfy's mother. "Oh well I'm in luck I think? Anthony said with a slight laugh. "My name is Sir Anthony and I need her to give me information for my mission by her older cousin Empress Lethal."The mother gave a worried look on her face. "Oh dear I was afraid this would happened, but she wouldn't listen to me." said the mother. She lets out a sigh and says, "I'm sorry to say this, but she's not here. She is out there in the woods with two other people. One is a magical medic, for obvious reasons, and her apprentice." Anthony was a little irritated, but didn't want to show it to the Empress's aunt. "Well thank you for telling me this." Anthony shakes her hand and walks out of The Pack's hideout.Anthony goes to the creek to splash water on his face while getting a drink. While doing so he hears a familiar laugh. "Hello again Mischief." Anthony said in a irritated tone. He looks at Mischief to see him with a bunch of food in his pouch along with some gold tokens. "Mischief where did you get that stuff from?" Anthony questioned. "I got it from The Pack's hideout, so I would like to thank you for getting them to open the door." Mischief said while eating half a loaf of bread."Here catch!" Mischief threw the other half of the bread to Anthony and Anthony caught it. "You have to be starving." Anthony was about to protest only to be silent by his stomach growling. He decided to eat the other half of the bread.It was getting dark and Anthony was in deep thought of how to find Wolfy. "So when I was sneaking in the hideout I overheard you talking about looking for the Pack Leader." Mischief told Anthony. Anthony looked at him and says, "Well I need to correct you. I'm not looking for the Pack Leader I'm looking for the Empress's cousin called Wolfy." "Uhh you do realize that she is The Pack's Leader. They call her Madame Wolfy and I happened to know exactly where she's at." Mischief said in confidence.Anthony stood up and went to Mischief. "Well then your taking me to her right now because I can't spare anymore time then I already have." Anthony told Mischief."Okay, but this is definitely helping you on your mission." Mischief said with what looks like a grin behind his mask. "No its not because your going to her to give back what you stole from her pack and I'm just tagging along to see her as well." Anthony told Mischief with his own triumph grin.Mischief put his head down in defeat and started walking. Anthony was walking behind Mischief with questions in his head. Why didn't the Empress tell him that her cousin was the Pack Leader and why isn't the Pack Leader with her pack? Maybe when he meets her he can get those questions answered, but most importantly give him the information he needs for his mission.

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