Chapter 24

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Ginger in his true form flew to Dramfina to distract her while Sir Anthony ran up to her. James saw Anthony running toward the dragon, so James clenched his fists and decided to help Anthony. James ran to Anthony catching up to him. Anthony looked over at him and asked, as they're both running, "James!? What are you doing?!" James looked back at him and answered, "I'm going to help you because we are family, brothers. We stand stronger if we work together!" Anthony looked at him and saw determination in his eyes. Anthony smiled. "Let's do this little brother!" Anthony said and James nodded in response. They ran faster towards the dragons, but they were ambushed. A bunch of shadow dragons came after them, so James and Anthony drew their swords.They fought, but more kept spawning in. When one was destroyed ten more would come up. "Anthony! There's too many of them! What do we do?!" Anthony was thinking, but couldn't think of a plan of action. All of a sudden a pack of wolves charged in. Anthony was confused on where they came from, but suddenly a familiar gray wolf came in. "Maywolf?!" Anthony said in shock to see her with backup wolves. "We'll take care of the shadow dragons! You two just destroy Dramafina!" May ordered them. She looks to see Dramafina fighting an orange dragon. "Ginger please be careful." she said to herself quietly. Anthony and James followed May's orders and ran toward Dramfina and Ginger. Two brothers versus one dragon who will win and who will perish.

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