Chapter 16

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Madame Wolfy was getting healed up by Tem. He was bandaging her stomach up. She sat up. "Ahh man. This is going to leave a permanent scar." Wolfy said. Wolfy was about to stand up until she almost fell down. Sir Anthony caught her before she fell on the ground. "Madame you need to stay here and rest. Your in no condition to fight." Anthony said putting her back to a rock. "Well it sounds like you will need help on this. Zak I need you to fight with The Pack." Madame Wolfy ordered. "Yes Madame! I will not disappoint you!" Zak said with confidence.Maywolf walked over and bend down to Wolfy and asked, "Madame Wolfy, who will lead The Pack into this fight?" Wolfy looks at May and says, "May I need you to be leader for now. I need you to do this for me." May was wide eye an almost in tears. "I will do this for you Madame! And to help the land of Discordnia!" May said with confidence. Sir Anthony got ready to lead the rest of the group. "Mischief and Ginger, you will come with me and fight! Leave my brothers to me though! I need to get them off this curse!" Ginger walked over to Anthony. "I figured maybe Dramafina would take some victims. Which is why I give you this." Ginger said giving Anthony a metal glove gauntlet. "This gauntlet will knock some sense into them and become their normal selves again." Anthony looked at the gauntlet and said thank you to Ginger.Tem was holding Wolfy under his arm and said, "We're going up there too because I have a way up there fast and I know Wolfy would be a horrible patient and not stay here and relax." Anthony was looking confused on how a medic has a way to the top of the mountain. Tem whistled to Ch'ito to come out of his medic bag and gave him a pink treat. Ch'ito ate the treat and a few seconds later Ch'ito grew into a dragon. "Woah! Your creature is a dragon?!" Mischief said in shock. Tem just smiled and chuckled. Anthony walked over to Wolfy and asked her, "Do you still have my sword?" "I gave it to Tem. Would you like to take it for the battle ahead?" Anthony looked at Tem and said, "No because Tem can use it to stand and protect you while everyone is battling the dragon and my brothers." Tem looked at Anthony and nodded. They all went on Ch'ito's back to begin the battle. The War will commence!

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