Chapter 28

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It's the next day in Coffeigton. Everyone has been healed up and rested up. Empress Lethal allowed the people who don't live in Coffeigton to stay for the night and recover. They were all summoned to the Chicken Hut recover. They were all summoned to the Chicken Hut Castel, so the Empress can talk to them. "I'm nervous Anthony. I don't want to lose my progress of becoming a knight or locked up in the dungeon. It wasn't really me doing those things. I was controlled." James said to Anthony nervous and sad. Anthony looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry James we'll explain it to her and everything will be fine." Anthony told James for reassurance. They started walking to the Chicken Hut Castel to see what the Empress wants.Inside the castle you see the Empress standing in front of her throne with a sword in her hand. Beside her, on her right, was Madame Wolfy in a nice dark blue dress with some silver lining. She's wearing a tiara on her forehead and her hair was nice, long, and wavy. Tem and Zak were with her, Maywolf and Ginger were standing on the side next to each other, and Sir Christian and Sir Jordan were on the Empress' left side. "Greetings everyone! For those of you that don't know me I am Empress Lethal of Coffeigton! I called you all here to first say thank you for helping destroy Dramafina. Secondly I have certain business that I need to attend to with certain people, but I like to turn it over to my cousin. The Pack Leader Madame Wolfy!" announced Empress Lethal. Madame Wolfy walked up to the front. "Can I have both TemTem and Zak in front of me please?" Madame Wolfy asked. Tem and Zak walked in front of Wolfy. "First I'll start with Tem. Tem I need your magic medical skills in the Pack. Will you accept this medal and become the Pack's medic?" Tem was shocked and he kneeled down as to accept. Wolfy put the medal around his neck. "Zak, now you step forward." Zak step forward in front of Wolfy. "Zak you proved to me that you have the confidence, the passion, and the will to be a part of the Pack despite not being an actual wolf. With that being said, Zak will you accept this medal and be an actual member of the Pack?" Zak grinned from ear to ear with tears of happiness in his eyes. He kneeled down as saying yes. Wolfy put the medal around his neck. "Arise you two and welcome to the Pack." Tem and Zak stood up and looked at Wolfy with happiness. They all three went back to their spot to let the Empress take over to speak. "Now then, on to my people." said Empress Lethal. "Can I have Sir Christian and Sir Jordan in front of me please." Christian and Jordan went in front of the Empress. "Christian and Jordan, you two were helping Dramafina during some point of the battle, but I was told you were influenced by her and ended up helping Sir Anthony. Please kneel before me." Christian and Jordan kneel in front of the Empress. Empress Lethal took the sword she is holding and stated to them, "I hereby make you two my two right hand men." Christian and Jordan were shocked on this. Sir Anthony was nervous because if those two were her new right hand men, then what of him? "James and Sir Anthony will you two come to me?" James and Anthony walked up in front of Empress Lethal and James was nervous."James you were also helping Dramafina in the beginning as well as stabbing my cousin! Please kneel before me." James kneeled in front of the Empress and he was scared he is going to get stabbed. Lethal took her sword and stated, "I grant you to be Sir James of Coffeigton." James was in shock. "You were under the control of the dragon. It wasn't your fault." The Empress said knowing he was confused.Anthony was happy for James. "Sir Anthony, you did very well in completing your mission. Dramafina is dead and her aura isn't as strong as when she was alive. Please kneel before me." Anthony kneeled in front of Lethal not knowing what to expect. Empress Lethal took her sword and stated, "Arise the next ruler of Coffeigton Emperor Anthony." Anthony stood up and was speechless. James, Christian, and Jordan's jaws dropped. Empress Lethal smiled at Anthony and nodded to tell him he can go back to where he was. "That's all for the day! You all may disperse!" Everyone was outside the castle mingling on what happened. Anthony and James came out in their new clothing. James is wearing what Christian and Jordan wore which was red and black armor. Christian and Jordan are wearing what Anthony wore which was black and silver armor. Anthony was now wearing white and gold armor to show that he is now royalty. Madame Wolfy came out about to head home, but James stopped her and asked her how he got anointed to an actual knight. She told him that she talked to her cousin and explained what happened. James told her he was grateful of her. Madame Wolfy walked up to Anthony and said, "Have a good day Emperor Anthony." "You too Madame Wolfy." he said as he bowed and she curtsied back. She then headed back home with Tem, Tem's pet Ch'ito, and Zak. Anthony realized that he needs people to help and can't be selfish and do it on his own. He took his brother and friens out to the pub to enjoy a new chapter in their lives.

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