#33 Mikey Imagine Pt1 (skyblizzard)

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Hey, my loves. This is a imagine for SkyBlizzard! Thank you for all your votes. I hope you injoy. <3


Me and my friends were shopping for a new outfit for the party tonight. I went through racks of clothes for a hour, still trying to find a new outfit.

"Sky, come look at this!" I hear my friend Belle. I turn around to look at her. She was holding a beautiful black skater skirt and a long sleave, purple crop top. "Try it on!" She pushes the clothing towards me.

"No, no, no. You saw it first." I push the clothing back to her.

"No, its fine. I already picked out my outfit. Now go try it on!" She give me the clothes and pushes me into the dressing room. I slip on the skirt and shirt, which look kinda cute. I open the dressing room door to show Belle. She gasps. Does it look bad?

"Is it bad?" I look at my self in the mirror.

"No, its perfect! Mikey is gone to love it!" She smiles widely and does a little dance. Wait what?

"What do you mean?" I ask her. She gives me a confused look.

"You dont know?" She asks. I shook my head no. "The whole school knows. Mikey has a huge crush on you, and I heard he is gone to be at the party." She smiles. I began to blush. I secretly had a crush on Mikey, but I never got to talk to him.

I paid for the clothes, that Belle begged me to get and said it looked perfect on me. We exited the store and began walking to other stores to get some new shoes. I need new sneakers.

Belle and me found a shoe store. Once we entered, I instantly saw Mikey. Before he can even see me, I walkes over to the Jordan section. I needed something to match my outfit.

"Hey, Sky" I hear someone. I turn around and see Mikey.

"Hi" I smile and turn back to the sneakers.

"Soo, do you need help? Picking out some shoes?" He looks at me.

"Um yeah. I need some shoes to match my outfit." I tell him. I pick up a pair, then puttin it back on the shelf.

"These ones" He picks up grey and black jordans. I take them from him and look at them. I smile at him and nodd that I like them.

"Mikey come on, we are leaving!" We hear his friends. Mikey looks at me, then gives me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush,

"See you at the party?" He asks holding my waist.

"Mabey..." I tease. He smirks and then kisses me again but this time on the lips.

He then winks at me and leaves with his friends. I look at Belle with a wide smile. "Lets go get ready for that party." I tell her. I quickly pay for the shoes and drag Belle out the store.


I am sorry if this is bad :/ but I hope you like it.

Bye my loves.

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