#40 Madison Imagine

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Hey my lovelys. This is imagine for _Kaitlyncecilia_. I hope you like it :D.


----Kaitly's P.O.V----

Its been days and days, maybe even weeks. Madison hasn't called me once, not even a text. I understand that he is busy most of the time on tour, but he could at least find a little time to call me, or even text me. It doesn't even have to be long. I just want to hear from him. He is my best-friend, well at least I thought.

I text him every morning, telling him 'Good morning x', like I promised I would do. I never get a text back, and it hurts.

Today, the boys are coming back to vist, and take some time off tour. The boys, family are so excited. I'm more nervous,  than excited. How am I gone to face Madison?  He has ignored me while being on tour. I am not sure if I should confront him or not. What if he is mad? But what could I have done?

Madison's mom told me, the boys would be here at 3 pm, and it's 2:55 pm right now. I sit next to my window, watching Madison's  drive way. I wait for the boys to pull up.

Moments later, Madison's mom car pulls up. I slip on a sweater and make my way to Madison's house, to welcome him home and ask him why he never awnsered.

I knock on the door, while rocking on the heels on my feet. Madison's mom awnsers the door. "Hey, Mrs.Alamia. Can I speak to Madison?" I ask kindly.

"Yeah, of corse. He is in the kitchen." She tells me. I walk in the house and see Mikey and Jason playing video games.

"Kaitlyn!" Mikey and Jason yell, happily. They both run up to me, and give me the biggest hug.

"Hey boys. Where is Madison?" I ask them. They both point to the kitchen. I nod and lead myself to the kitchen. Madison was getting himself a plate of pasta. "Hey" I say a little quiet.

Madison looks up at me. "What are you doing here?" He asks harshly. Ouch. He puts the plate down.

"What do you mean? I came to see you, after weeks of being gone and never texting me back." I tell him a little annoyed at the end. He rolls his eyes and tries to leave the kitchen but I stop him and grab his arm to make him face me. "Why are you mad?" I ask stubbornly.

"Shouldn't you be with that other boy, you were taking pictures with and calling him your best-friend." He huffs.

"Alex? My cousin?" I ask. His eyes go wide, and his cheeks turn pink.

"You cousin!" He shouts.

"Yeah. The day you left, I was really sad and Alex came over and cheered me up." I tell him. He rushes over to me and gives me a hug.

"Oh my gosh, I am so so so so sorry. When I saw you take a bunch of pictures with him, I thought you replaced me. I was planning on calling on you, but I was so upset and angry. I'm so sorry Kaitlyn." He hugs me harder.

"I can never replace you." I hug him back. "I just don't understand why you were so mad tho?" I look at him.

"The truth is that, I like you Kaitlyn. When I saw you with Alex, I was so mad and upset and thought you replaced me already. So I didn't call or text you." He tells me. Tiny tears go down his face. "I'm so sorry."

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. "I forgive you." I tell him smiling.


You probably don't have a cousin name Alex, I'm sorry, but I hope you like it :) love ya.

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