#21 Imagine: Madison

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Author's Note :

This is a imagine for JustineLoCo. :D Thanks for the support. Hope you like the imagine.


---- Justine P.O.V ----

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. When I slowly open my eyes, I soon realize that I am in a hospital bed. I look around and see balloons, teddy bears, and flowers crowding the room.

In the corner of the room, I see Madison with his head in his hand. I can hear sniffles coming from him every 5 seconds.

"Madison? What's wrong?" I asks. He slowly looks up. His eyes were blood shot red, and his purple lines, circled his eyes.

"Your awake?" He asks curiously. What is going on?

"Yeah. I guess. What is going on?" I ask trying to get awnsers.

"Your awake!" He gets up from the chair and runs over to me. He gives me a huge hug.

"Yeah, I know. But whats-" He cuts me off.

"Hold on. Let me get the nurse." He says leaving me.

Ugh, what is going on. I need awnsers!

A lady doctor comes in the room with Madison following him.

"Hello, Justine. My name is Dr.Vasquez." She smiles at me.

"Hey. Um, why am I hear?" I ask the doctor.

"A week ago, you and Madison were with each other and you seem to slip and hit your head hard. You were in a coma for 5 days." She tells me.

Memories flood through my brain of that day. Madison was teaching me how to dance and all I remember is slipping while trying a move that he taught me.

"Do you remember anything from that day?" Madison asks me.

"Um. Half of it."

"Well, I will leave you two alone. I had a nurse call your father. He should be here soon" The doctor says.

"Thank you" I tell her.

Once the doctor leaves, Madison sits on the bed next to me. 

"I'm so sorry Justine. It's all my fault." He says gabbing my hand while tears come down his face.

"It's okay Madison. It was a accident. I forgive you." I look into his eyes and smile.

He hugs me tight and whispers into my ear. "I love you. Please, never leave me."

I smile. "I love you too, and I would never leave you."

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