#24 When he hits you. Part 1

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Jason : You were watching Jason dance at his dance class. You paid attention to Jason's moves. A random boy sits next to you but you don't mind. You can feel him touching your thigh but you slap his hand. The boy does it again and but this time you just get up to sit at another chair.

After Jason's dance class, Jason walks over to you and grabs your wrist, leading you into a empty hall way.

"Hey-" Before you can finish, you feel Jason's hand slapping your cheek. "What the hell!" You hold your cheek. You can feel it turning red.

"What do you mean 'What the hell'?!? I saw you and the guy flirting." Jason yells. Before you can explain,  he keeps yelling. "Your such a bitch! What did I ever do to you?!? You know what?!?! Go to him, see like I care!" He finishes yelling.

"If you would of let me explain, I would of told you how I slapped him and walked away like a good girlfriend! But No! You decided to slap me. So goodbye Jason!" You yell back leaving him.

Vinny : You and Vinny went to a party at your friends house. Vinny and his friends started to get really drunk. You didn't drink because you had to drive Vinny and you back home.

When you looked at Vinny, you can tell he was really drunk; more than usual. You walked over to him, hoping he will let you take him back home.

"Vinny, I think you had enough to drink. Let's go home now." You grabbed Vinny wrist trying to pull him but he pulls back.

"No! I am staying" You can tell he was getting difficult.

"Vinny, c'mon. We need to get you home." You try to grab his risk again.

"I said No, (Y/N)!" Vinny yells pushing you on to the ground. You hit your head on the ground really hard. You can see regret going through Vinny's eyes but he doesn't say anything. You get up and leave the party without Vinny.

Louis : You and Louis were playing Just Dance 2014 in the living room. Louis was beating you at the game and you were getting annoyed. Since Louis points were way ahead of yours, you stop trying. As you were playing, Louis accidentally hits your cheek with the controller. You lose your balance and fall on the ground, clutching your cheek.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry (Y/N). I am so so so sorry." He sits next to you on the ground, hugging you like you were gone to slip through his fingers.

Once he saw the mark he gave you, he started to cry. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)."

You put your hand on his cheek, making him look at you. "It's okay. It was a accident. I forgive you." You smile at him.

He smiles at you with happiness in his eyes. He kisses you all over your face saying thank you. You giggle at him and continue playing the game.


Author's Note:

Hey, sorry for not writting for so long. I will be writing a 'Part 2' soon. ;) If you have any ideas, send me them. Also the chance of getting your own imagine is still up :D

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