25: Bolt

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Ariana sat on the log, talking to Emily. "But what if Clayton thinks I'm crazy? It'll be weird for me to tell him that I'm the host of his dead wife wolf."

"Ariana," Emily chuckled. "You and Emi are finally one; you need to tell Clayton. I know he can sense Emi in you but doesn't want to say anything in fear that he's wrong."

Ariana sighed. "I guess I do have to tell him." She closed her eyes and looked up at the sky. "I'll tell him once things get more settled. I still have this eerie feeling."

"I do, too," Emily said. "You should head back; you shouldn't have come here alone in the first place."

Ariana stood and made turned around. And came face to face with Bolt. She backed away.

"Hey," Bolt had an extended cut going down his forehead to his ear. He was missing his left ear.

"Bolt," Ariana looked around. "You're still alive? How did you survive?"

"I hid," he said. "I saw how that bitch murder my father. Ariana, it's just you and me. We are the only ones left to get revenge. Will you help me?"

"No," she said. "I won't help you; revenge doesn't solve anything."

Bolt chuckled and slapped himself. "Than I guess I'll have to do it the hard way."

Ariana didn't give him a chance to get her. She ran back to the clan house but got blocked by two humans. They grabbed her.

"You are not going anywhere, dear sister," Bolt said. "I will avenge my father. And no one is going to see it coming."

Ariana goes dragged toward a wagon where she got thrown in the back, and the two men got on as well. Bolt got on while a third human was the driver. The wagon moved opposite of the clan.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We are going to where the rest of the family is," he said. "And this time there won't be any mistakes. I'm going make I wipe out everyone in that family, even those damn lycans."

"You can't take them all out," Ariana said. "You four can't take them all down."

Bolt chuckled. "What makes you think I'm alone? More rogues are willing to kill for no reason."

"I'll warn whoever is in that clan," Emily said. "Don't worry, Ariana; everything will be alright. I'll be back shortly."

"You won't get away," Ariana said. "The lycans are stronger than you think. They will kill you all, and you will regret ever stepping foot into their lands."

Bolt chuckled. "Sure," he said. "Say whatever you want."

Ariana looked at the sky. She shouldn't have wandered off on her own it was a mistake. Clayton must be worried sick.

The journey wasn't long with how fast the wagon was going; it took them less than two days to get to the lycans territory.

And there where about 30 or so rogues were waiting in the woods. Bolt gave the orders that they should kill everyone except the Nile family; they were last. Ariana got tied to a tree; she fiddles with the ropes until they came loose. She slowly stood and ran.

"Get her!" Bolt yelled.

But Ariana was able to hide and sneak away toward the clan, and they were close. She recognized the landmarks. Everyone was on an about with there day. She looked around for anyone familiar and spotted Andre. "Andre!"

"Ariana?" She jumped into his arms. "Whoa, what's wrong? How are you here? Did the others come here too."

"You need to get everyone out," she said. "They are coming, Bolt and his men are going to attack and kill everyone."

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