12: Fight

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Emma sat on the stairs of the clan house, eating some mango with Aken. "Yum," she smiled and wiped his cheeks. Aken giggled.

"Hey," Emma looked up at Grace. What could she want? 

"Hi," she gave a piece of mango to Aken. 

"I need to know," she frowned. "You and Andre, nothing happened while you two where alone, right?"

Emma looked at her. "No, nothing happened; I would never betray Shaun."

"How can I be so sure?" She asked.

Emma chuckled. "Are you serious?" Emam glared. "I don't know what I did for you to hate me, but nothing happened between Andre and me. I belong to Shaun, and Andre is only a friend. I'm sorry that things didn't work out between Andre and you. But you can't keep attacking me and blaming me for things. Why don't you tell him instead of taking your frustration out on me." 

She shouldn't have said that since Grace became aggressive, and something happened to her. She starts to shift, and it looked painful. Could it be, this is the main reason why she has been angry? Did Andre pass his DNA on to her?

"Anton!!" Emma yelled and ran inside. 

"What is going on?" Eliana asked.

"Don't go outside," Emma said. "Your sister, I think she's a lycan."

"What?" Evelyn friend. "Impossible, I mean, sure it can be passed down, but the elders said there was only a slight chance it could happen to us if one of them bites us."

"Well, it seems Grace had a higher chance," Emma said.

They all jumped when they heard a growled. And Aken started to cry. "It's okay, sweetie," Eliana held Aken. "Don't cry; your untie Grace will never hurt you."

"But she will, me," Emma said. "Where is Anton?"

"At a clans meeting," Evelyn said. "I'll send someone to get him, but who is going to detain Grace?"

"I will," Emma said.

"No," Eliana said. "It's too dangerous."

"I'm a wolf," she said. "I'm the only one that can stop Grace. Stay here, and don't go outside." Emma ran out, closed the door. Grace stood there, growling, and breaking things. "Okay, Grace, we need to calm down. You are going to hurt someone. Ema, get ready to shift."

'Okay,' Ema said.

Once Emma got Grace's attention, Emma shifted as Grace attacked her. Emma growled and tried her best not to hurt Grace.

Grace was more potent and had an advantage, but Emma knows this wasn't Grace. Since it's her first time-transforming, it's difficult for her to control herself. And Emma needs to stop her without hurting her.

Emma bit her leg and dragged her down. She didn't let go, even when Grace clawed her side.

Emma ignored the pain and tightened her grip. 

She let go when Grace bit down on her neck. 

Emma shifted back, placing her hands on her neck. She stared at the sky as her vision was becoming blurry.

"Emma!" She heard Marvis. "Shit! Hold on, stay still. You're going to be okay. I'm not going to let you die, you saved my daughter, and I will do the same." 

"Ah," she tried to talk, but blood filled her mouth. She could taste metallic. It wasn't terrific.

"Don't speak," Marvis said. 

Emma started to choke. "Ah."

"Help!" Marvis yelled.

"Damn it!" Anton said. "Take Grace and lock her up until she changes back. Marvis, roll her to the side." Emma got rolled to her side. She felt her body become numb. "We need to take her inside."

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