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Shaun looked down at his hands. He didn't know how to tell Emma about Ariana, his wife.

"Hey," Anibal smacked his back. "What wrong?"

"Anibal," he sighed. "I have a problem."

"You can tell me," he said. "I'll try to advise as best I can."

"I haven't been honest to anyone," Shaun said.

"About?" Anibal set the hammer down. "What haven't you been honest about?"

He looked around. "I'm married."

"You're married!" Anibal yelled. Shaun smacked him. "Sorry, but Shaun, you have Emma, she's your soulmate. And you're married, that's not right."

"I know," Shaun sat down. "But what can I do?"

"Choose," he said. "Emma or this Ariana girl."

"I can't," he said. "Ariana is ill; she's a human. She won't live long; all doing is giving her the life she wanted. To make her happy before she passes."

"Than explain it to Emma," Anibal said. "I'm sure Emma will have an open mind and understand. But I suggest you do it soon before she finds out."

"I will," he said. "I'll tell Emma, but for now, keep it a secret."

"So, the house is for Ariana?" Anibal asked. Shaun nodded. "Than good luck."

Shaun sighed. "Thanks for the advice."

"Here she comes," Anibal said.

Shaun stood and looked back. Emma walked over with two glass cups. "Hey," she smiled. "Eliana made fresh lemonade."

"Thanks," Shaun grabbed the cup.

"The house is coming along," she smiled. "I bet it'll be pretty."

"Yes," Shaun smiled nervously. "I want to live closer to my sisters and to spend more time with them since I never knew they existed."

"Yeah," Emma sighed. "I miss my sisters; I wonder if they're doing alright, last time I saw them, they were happy with their husbands and kids."

"Why don't you send them a letter?" Anibal said. "I'm sure your family is worried sick about you."

"Nah," she smiled. "It's better this way; they won't have to suffer because of the mistakes I make. I did run away from home."

"Well," Shaun sighed. "I better get back to work, and thank you for the drinks."

Emma nodded. "I'll call you both when dinner is ready." She took the cups and walked away. 

Anibal sighed. "Emma is a great woman, and you, Shaun, are playing with fire, don't forget, we don't know much about Emma except the runaway story. So be careful, and don't keep lying to her."

"I know," Shaun groaned. "Let me think, alright, I'll fix it."

"Better," Anibal said.

Shaun went back to work with his mind full of worries. To tell Emma about Ariana is a bit frightening.

He doesn't know what Emma could do to Ariana. Emma is a wolf, and she's a bit unpredictable. 

But he has to confess and soon, and he hopes Emma can understand why he married Ariana.

Shaun cleared his mind and concentrated on his work.

After this long day, Shaun made his way to the river to take a bath. And Emma was there; in the water. The water reached her hips. Emma's body is lovely and smooth. He quietly undressed and set them near a stone; he got in and grabbed her from behind.

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