8: Break?

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Emma hugged Evelyn. "Thank you for everything."

"Be safe," she smiled. "Also, sorry about Grace, Anibal, and Anton were communicating among themselves, and Anibal heard what Grace said."

"It's okay," Emma sighed. "Anyways, I should get going. I want to get a head start and maybe make it to town before dark."

"Okay," Evelyn smiled. "Two men will escort you to town, and from there, it's your decision."

"Andre," Anton waved him over. "You and another will accompany Emma. Be on your guard and look at your surroundings before stopping."

"Will do," Andre said.

Emma sighed. "Well, let's go."

Emma said her goodbyes and left. "Grace can be too, honest," Andre said. "But to tell you the truth, Skyla was the honest one. She would hurt your ego. Grace is the strict one who likes everything clean. I don't know why she's acting out."

"Everyone is getting married and having kids," Emma said. "Maybe Grace wants that too. And does;t know how to express herself."

"Probably," he said. "Still, Grace should've had apologized to you. It wasn't her business; it's yours and Shaun's. You two are grown adults and can handle things. But Grace always seems to get in the middle of everything."

"I can't blame her," Emma said. "I would do that same thing if one of my siblings were in my situation."

"Right," Andre smiled. "So, Emma, what will you do now?"

"Stay away from Shaun," she said. "Maybe, I'll find someone else to bond with and break mine with Shaun. I don't want to hurt Shaun. But we are hurting Ariana. When I went to drop off the medications, I could sense Ariana's pain. She doesn't deserve any of this; that is why I'm not going to see Shaun. And Ariana can live the remaining of her life with Shaun."

"What is she heals?" Andre asked. "What they're going to give up the right to be with your soulmate?"

"Yes," she said. "I'm not greedy; I can learn to let thins go. Just like I let go of my father when he was murder trying to save me."

"You are a strong woman," Andre said. "And I like that."

Emma looked at him. "Thanks."

The walk to the closest town wasn't far. Emma paid for a room at the inn. "I'm going to take you home," Andre said. "I want to make sure you get home safely."

"What about you?" She asked.

"What about me?" He smiled.

"Who will escort you back?" She chuckled.

Andre laughed. "I can handle anyone. Plus, they'll think I'm nothing more than a human on an adventure."

Emma chuckled. "If you say so, then we are going to have to share a room. What about the other man?"

"He already got a room," he said. "In the brothel."

"Not married?" She asked.

"Nope," he smiled.

Emma sighed. "Okay, I need a bath." She went upstairs to the bedroom. "We can share the bed if you'll like it."

"No," he said. "It's fine; I'll sleep on the floor. I'm used to it."

"Oh," Emma set her bag on the bed. "So, you're Anton's cousin." He nodded. "I sense some tension in that house."

"Well," he chuckled. "Recently, Anton made some changes. There once used to be the main and the branch family. I was part of the branch family. We were to protect the main family. But now things have changed. And people are still getting used to it. Some don't like it; they think we should continue the old ways."

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