My thanks to every single one of you. <3

5.4K 163 31

      I want to thank every single person who has ever read this story and I dont even care if you havent finished or didnt like it. This story has made all of you apart of my life and I couldnt ask for better people to share it with.

        Not all of you know, not even most of you, but this story is my life story, apart from their actual love. I'm a little over two months clean and I didnt think I could ever do it but I did with the help of my friends and family; and all of you are both. All of your amazing comments and votes. You guys all mean the world to me and I want you to know I'm here for every one of you no matter what time or what it's about.

        I should've said thank you allot earlier because I'm at almost 62K and thats because of all of you. All of you enjoyed my writing and being apart of what has happened as I've been growing up. I have learned allot since I've been writing on here and thats that I can do it. I can have friends and have people who are going to stay no matter how bad I've been to myself or how bad people have been to me.

       If you feel alone, you just have to know you're not because even if I'm the only person in the World, I'm still right by all of your sides. I'm here for you to vent or to cry or to just tell me how things are going in your life. I'm here to be your friend, your sister, or whatever you need at that moment. I need for you all to know that keeping it bottled up doesnt help in the least bit.

Blahh, I'm getting so emotional, loll. :)

But I have all of the love in the universe for you and thank you for being here for me. Thank you for letting me be part of this little community full of people who care and love what someone else does. Thank you for writing little comments that you love this or how amazing my writing is. Thank you for being the people I lean on when I wasnt having the best day whether you knew you were helping or not. Thank you for everything you are and everything you are going to be. Thank you for being you.

Love you all so very much and remember what I said.


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