Chapter Five

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"You know, Lou, you never told me allot about you." I said into the darkness of my living room. We were both sprawled out on the carpet and sharing conversation.

"There's not much to tell. Zayn is really the only true family I have and we grew up together. I live with my dad but we don't really talk." He stated.


"We just don't." He snapped. I nodded into the dark even though he couldn't see me and I turned onto my side. Maybe we don't trust each other as much as I think we did or maybe I'm just pushing too much. I couldn't help but feel like he just wasn't letting me in and he wouldn't anytime soon.


        It’s Thursday and we start school back up on Monday. I actually don't want to go back because I've been having so much fun over this break. Louis and I have hung out every day and my feelings for him just keep getting stronger and it’s starting to be hard to hide them. I haven't quite figured out if he knows yet or not.

"Marcey, Come lay with me!" Lou yelled from my room upstairs. I grinned and followed his voice to my room and flew on top of him.

"Happy, Tomlinson?" I smirked down at him.

"Very." He shot back.

"What do you have planned today, punk boy?"

"Well actually, I was planning on bringing you to my favorite park, nerd boy." I smiled down at him and sat up to put on my usual. When I got into my bathroom to slick my hair back I felt eyes on me and I turned around. Louis was just staring at me like I was from some magical planet.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I just admire that you go out like that and don't give a shit how people look at you."

"The whole point is that no one looks at me." I shot back. He nodded slightly and looked a bit sad at my reply, but I didn't dwell on it.

"Where is this park at?" I asked, after we've been in the car for about twenty minutes.

"We’re actually pulling onto the dirt road right now." He replied. I looked around and seen how amazing the different stone paths were and how there were cute couples scattered around with their fingers locked tightly. I stared in awe as I seen two guys about my age sharing a loving stare before slightly pecking each other on the lips like it was their first time.

"Follow me?" Lou asked with a small, genuine smile playing at his lips. I followed behind him as we made our way through the many trees, but we weren't on any of the paths.

"Is this safe, Lou? Do you know where were going?" He chuckled lightly and turned to face me.

"Of course." We walked a bit more before we came to a small spot with flowers surrounding the circle. It was really beautiful and I couldn't help but to look over at Louis with a confused look at how he found this. "Zayn and I ran from his parents one day and ended up finding it." I nodded at the somewhat look into his past.

        We could see the view of some of the paths from here and I spotted the same couple from earlier and I let a smile tug at my lips. "Marce, can I ask you something?" I peeled my gaze away from them and made eye contact with Louis.


"I don't know the easiest way to ask this, but are you gay?" I opened my eyes in shock as I turned my head to the ground.

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Well, we have seen them twice, and each time, you look at them like you wish you could be them."

Wrecking Ball (Loucel/Larcel/Larry/Neeroy/Niam AU)Where stories live. Discover now