Chapter nine

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Sorry about this filler, I'm in total writers block but I was asked to update. So here you go Darlings!

And I dedicated this chapter to purplekiss4567


*Louis' POV*

        I watched as Marcel came out of his house slowly, almost as if he didn’t know if he should be leaving today. Or maybe it’s that he didn’t know if he should be leaving with me. He had his right hand attached to the middle of his left arm and he was gnawing on his bottom lip nervously. He was the cutest thing that could ever walk this Earth.


"I love you."

"D-Don't say that, Louis. Don't say things you don't mean." He stuttered out, and I could tell he was frightened about my confession.

"I mean it. I'm running out of ideas to prove it to you." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, pulling at the ends in frustration. "Just- Dammit! - Tell me how to prove it to you. Tell me how I can show you that my world doesn't exist if you aren't the center of it. Tell me how to show you that every last thing you do makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time because you are the most adorable thing I have ever laid eyes on." I chuckled through the tears at some of the memories. "Just tell me what you want and I will do it for you, Marcie, but don't tell me to leave and give up because I won’t."

        I looked into his eyes for any kind of answer, any sign that he wants me to keep trying. His face was probably mirroring mine now, tear tracks and red eyes. He looked down at the ground and I didn't know if that was a sign that he's given up on me, or if he trying to figure it all out. For my benefit, I hope it’s the latter. I stood there waiting for an answer and my hope was dissolving by the second; but those eyes met mine again and he forced a small smile.

"Can I please think about it for a couple days? It would just be easier that way." I grinned at him because it wasn't a no, and there's still hope that he could be mine. 


'Can I pick you up for school tomorrow? x' I texted him, in hope that he's had enough time to go over it in his head. I feel like that's all I'm depending on these days, hope. That word has gotten me pretty far right now so don't let me down. I know it’s probably too soon to be asking him to do anything with me but I miss him.

'That would be nice.'

"Louis!" I shook my head and looked over to the boy sitting next to me, concern in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"You've been zoned out for quite some time." I looked at the steering wheel, blushing like crazy.

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