Chapter Eleven

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I went on google and typed in 'loucel larcel' to find more pictures and the cover to this story was  on the first line. I was like woah!

This chapter is dedicated to _Tiffanny_ , I don't think you've commented before! Thank you!


"Do you ever feel like the stars shine for you? Like, they're there to guide you to where you need to be." I asked; staring at the beautiful lights scattered across the sky.

"I think everyone has a star. There's one for every person on Earth and when that star finds its way to another, that's when we find our true love, the one we are destined to be with." He replied, lacing our fingers together.

"That's a good way to look at it. But, what about the people that fall in love more than once?"

"We only have one person we are destined for, Marcie. Maybe you think you are meant to be with another person at the time, but in all reality, there's only one. One person that can make your existence worth it, and one person that is connected to your heart." I was really thinking about what he said. I just don't understand how you're supposed to know when you've found that person. How are you supposed to know when you've found your star? Do you feel it in your heart? Do they know before you do? I mean, how do we actually know?

"But Lou, when you find your lover, how are we supposed to know?" I asked, glancing over at his flawless face. He squeezed my hand before he spoke.

"You just do."

"I don't understand." I admitted.

"You will one day." He replied. I looked at his face in confusion and he turned to look at me.

"You sound like you found yours." I told him.

"Maybe." He smiled sweetly at me and leaned in to lay a light kiss on my forehead. I faced the stars again, wondering what exactly I would feel. If our love is written in the stars, then I want mine written fast. "Is your mum home tonight?"

"I don't know. She's been coming home after I go to sleep and leaving before I wake up. Why?"

"Can I stay tonight? I know you said slow and all, but I just don't want to go home." He asked, pleadingly.

"Course." I replied. I realized he still hasn't talked to me about his family or any of his private life. I know I have to be patient about all of that kind of stuff, but sometimes I worry about him. He broke my train of thought when a small yawn escaped his mouth. "We can leave now, yeah?" He nodded cutely and started to stand.

"Thanks, Marcy." He said quietly, as we walked into my empty house. I turned around and smiled at him, taking his jumper. I led him up the stairs and I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for his presence to lye next to me.

Wrecking Ball (Loucel/Larcel/Larry/Neeroy/Niam AU)Where stories live. Discover now