Pt. 39

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Y/n POV:
We speed through the streets of Toronto like lightning. No joke part of me fears for my safety, then I think of Shawns. I don't know what he's thinking, or if this has something to do with my stalker or whoever, but honestly I'm petrified. More than usual. Aaliyah has been in the back seat just staring straight ahead. She's scared as well. Any one should be at this point.

I'm just so sick of this. I never thought growing up that my life would end up like this. Moving schools, finding love, being stalked, and who knows what else. It's all so...mind altering. If you think about it, we all dreamed of Astronauts, and fire fighters, and doctors. But we never really know where we'll end up. Like whoever decided they wanted to be stock broker in high school really needed some help.

I ramble to myself about random things when I'm scared. Can you tell? I pretend like I'm talking to someone when there's really no one there. Or I pretend someone is like reading my story, when they're not. You know? Just like right now. We're in the out skirts of Canada, and the locations shows to be on the border of New York actually. Now that's strange.

"I can't believe this." Aaliyah whispers clearly frustrated.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She screams while tears start to fall from her cheeks yelling at me. If I was broken before, I'm shattered now. The crazy part? She's right.

"If you never even talked to my brother, or showed him you cared and just left him like he was, none of this wouldn't have happened!" She yells again. Tears stray falling from my ace this time. My eyes haven't the window they've been gazing out of.

"What'd have to say about that eh?" She asks in a broken, yet sassy tone.

"You don't even know you're own brother so you can't talk. I know Shawn, he faked a smile every where he went. Tried to be put together even though his family didn't give him the time of day. Because they forced on his past, and not him now. News flash, people change. In fact, people change people. That's what Y/n did with Shawn, and that's what Shawn did with   Y/n. So don't you even dare try and say this was her fault when you don't even know the half of it. Listen, I know this is stressful for everyone, and scary, but don't snap on people and show your ignorance when you'll regret it later. I suggest you shut your little mouth before you act move immature. You've proven your strong. And I respect that. But sometimes even strong people break. Don't build up walls toward people Aaliyah. Especially people who love you. Don't tell me you don't know what Love is. Because Shawn hasn't stopped loving you, even if you stopped loving him." Ross just days out of the blue. Well that was in called for. Aaliyah is silent. I would be too.

She is right though. She's 100% accurate. It is all my fault. When the dirt road comes into view showing that's when it hits me. We turn onto the road with the black SUV following us close behind which holds Karen and Manuel, and more of those same vehicles behind them caring police officers and I think even some FBI agents, as this is important to the public, and possibly human trafficking. I see a metal warehouse in the middle of no where.

When we stop, I jump out of the car as it comes to stop, and begin to walk in.
"Y/N! What on earth are you doing?" Manuel yells at me signaling backup to follow after me.

"If this is just Shawn, then I'm explaining this myself. And if it's Eli, or whoever the heck this, then I'm handling it my myself as well. He decided to chase after me, I think it's only fair I chase after him to show him just what he got himself into." I say pulling a 22 pistol out of my knee high boots, hoping that I won't have to use it.

I notice Aaliyah gazing at me through the window. Ross leaning against the SUV with Karen, and a whole SWAT team following in formation behind me. The SWAT team busts in the door and call out for whoever is inside to show themselves. No answer. I go to one side by accident. The side opposite the SWAT team. I walk in a room, that's furnished slightly.

I whip my head as I hear breathing.
It's him.

A/N: SO. There's officially one more chapter in this story, (maybe a small epilogue after that?) but i still ideas for a sequel, so please leave  those down below. Thank you all so much for reading this book and continuing to read it, I will continue to update you on the sequel info and when it will be up on this book, as well as my message wall, so please, leave any ideas in the comments, PM, or message board. I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN YOU KNOW. THE LAST CHAPTER WILL BE UP SOON YOU LITTLE ANGELS💞

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