Pt. 23

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"Hungry?" My adorable....Shawn says in front of me. I'm down with this no labels thing, personally it's easier for me too. It's just...hard. I inhale through my nose and it actually smells great. "Why yes of course I am chef Mendes." I say walking in the door to his apartment. The layout is all too familiar so I put my bag down and plop myself down in the chair at the bar in the kitchen.  "Well, not exactly." He says with a chuckle as he walks in front of me and puts his elbows on the table. He's standing right in front of me, leaning against this grey, marble bar, is sweatpants and CrossFit sweatshirt, just staring at me. What do I do you ask? Well I stare back of course. "You're impossible." He says while chuckling to himself while he turns and walks away from the bar to go grab some plates. "Well what does that mean?" I say as I hop of the stool that's a bit to tall for me, as question him jokingly. I walk over to him when he's busy putting food on some very colorful plates that he HAD to have gotten from his mom. "Well...." And before he finishes he turns around quicker than I would've ever expected and his hands immediately find my waist as his forehead is pressed against mine as he smiles the biggest smirk humanly possible. "I don't *kiss* know *kiss* how *kiss* you do it" He says as he briefly pecks my lips every word. "Do what?" I say smiling as I wrap my hands around his neck. "You're're so intoxicating and I can never get enough of you." He says giving me one last kiss before he returns to tend to the food. Fifteen minutes later, i find myself sitting on the biggest and softest L shape couch I've ever seen, with a plate of food in my hand, laughing my head off with Shawn in front of me. He's practically choking he's laughing so hard. "Gordon Ramsey is the FLESH I say!" I scream through my laughter. Before I know it Shawn is doubled over clutching his stomach and tears are running out the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard. I'll admit, I've cried from laughing some too and I've only been here half an hour. A little while later we settle down and somehow end up watching a Friends marathon. Before I know it, I check my watch that I almost never use and it's 1 a.m. "holy sh-IELA MACINTIRE" I say. I pretty much wake shawn up in the process. I didn't even realize he had just...layed his head in my lap and just slept. I scratch his head and he groans at me. "Hmm what?" He says as he raises his head up. He rubs his eyes with the pal of his head as he groans again and reaches for my shoulder. See, most people wouldn't be like this on their first official "date" as a non labeled thing. But after what happened the other night, I don't think anything is gonna be "normal" anymore. "I have to go. I'm so sorry, I promised Allison I'd be home tonight, and I have a thing with Ross from bio tomorrow and I-" "Ross?" "Shawn, chill, he's just a friend. In fact I'm trying to set up with Sabrina. But seriously, he just...he reminds me of a friend I had back home okay? I promise. There's nothing to worry about." I say honestly. He's no tired he just nods his head as he reaches towards me again. "Ah-ah-ah!" I say throwing his arm over my should as I stand up with him. It doesn't do much good considering he's like a foot taller than me. "Let's get you to bed Bubs." I say as I lug the massive giraffe into his bedroom. It's pretty easy to find considering its the only bedroom in the condo. I flip on the soft, warm, yellow tinted light and pull pack the clean white duvet cover and fluff up his pillow a bit. He instantly gets under and snuggles with the covers. "Can you stay?" He asks earnestly. "I'm sorry S. I would but I can't. I love you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Awweeee you kissed the wrong part of my face." He says like a child as he leans up to kiss my lips. "You'd make a great mom." He says snuggling back into the duvets. I just chuckle and behind to walk away. "Y/n?" He calls out as I reach the door. I turn my head to meet his hazel eyes. "I love you." He says when only half on his face is visible because he's so cozy in the covers. "I love you too S. Goodnight." I say as I see his eyes close as I flip off the light switch. I turn around as my back hits the door and let out a sigh. For multiple reason. 1. I'm really tired. 2. I wish tonight could just be on repeat forever. I find my bag that I threw down earlier and I make my way to door. I make sure I lock it before heading out. I find my car in the parking deck around the block and begin to head back to my dorm. 10 minutes later, I arrive at home, sleepy eyed and tired. I finally reach the door when I open it to reveal a yellow sticky note on the kitchen table. "Hey b. Sorry I'm not here. My cousin had a argument with her mom and kinda ran away. I know where she is now. I'm just gonna take her to my parents house and I'll spend the night there. I'll be back before you wake up! - Ally" great. That's just fantastic. So I kinda came home for nothing. I walk into the tiny bathroom. I strip myself of my clothes and put on a sweatshirt. I comb out my hair and use a makeup wipe on my make up clean face, because I'm too lazy to actually wash it. I take out my contacts and push my glasses up to the birdie of my nose. I crash face first on my bed when I my phone goes off.  "New text message from: PREACHER MAN✝️🖤 hey. Call me. I need to talk to you. I did some messing around online, and found something you might wanna see.

wooohoooo watcha think Ross needs? Always if you have recommendations, or ideas, drop it in the comments!
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