Pt. 34

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Y/n POV:
(Time skip lol)
Allison left almost an hour ago. I drove her to the airport to say goodbye. Ross is gonna spend the night tonight. He was trying to find a way to get Stef or someday to somehow stay with me instead, just because having a police officer is better than one regular person ya know? But since there's not really any evidence other than the messages. Oh! Speaking of the messages, Ross said they actually tried to to trace the IP address, but, all they could come up with was it was actually from a pay-as-you-go-phone. Who uses those anymore? A stalker that's who. I'm walking up the stairs through the dorms because the dang elevator is broken...AGAIN. When my phone dings. This thing has practically become my worst fear ever. I have special ringtones set for specific people. Shawn, Ross, Allison, Sabrina, and Chris. My step brother. This was a normal ding. I hesitantly pull out my phone and glance at the message. "New Message From: Unknown: hey love. You look lovely today. Don't freak out. I haven't seen you today. I'm hoping I will soon. I love you." My knees buckle and my breathe hitches. I instantly screenshot in and send it to Ross. I run up the stairs and step in the apartment with caution. It's so weird with Allison not being here...I hate it. I pick up my phone and call Ross. He answers on the 2nd ring.
"Y/n? You okay? I just got your message."
He says frantically
"Yeah I uh....I'm fine. I was just wondering if you could come on over here? I know we talked about you coming over at nigh-"
"I'll be over in 10 minutes."
Well that went better than expected. Say, it's been a while since I talked to Chris actually. He's actually a detective with the NYPD- how did I not remember this? He's out of jurisdiction for sure, but I mean he could probably help somehow. He was scheduled to come down in a little over a month to see me, but....
Sure thing I pull up his contact and give him a call.
"Hey baby sis! What's up! I literally haven't talked to you in ages. How's college?" He says. You can practically hear the smile in his voice.
"It's's good. Listen there's something I need to talk to you about." I say with a drop in my voice.
"Are you pregnant? Is it that Shawn guy you told me about? Wait. Do I need to come down there?!?" He says raising his voice a bit
"C, shush. No I'm not pregnant and no it's nothing with Shawn. I uhm....I'm being stalked. Like no joke." There's long pause before he says anything.
"Any suspects? Hav you filled out a police report? WHERE ARE YOU? Are you safe? Is someone staying with you?"
2 hours later I finally hung up after explaining everything for the 57th time this week since the first incident happened. Chris is gonna fly out here to Toronto in two weeks. Poor Ross got here ages ago and just sat beside me on the love seat and just rubbed my back the whole time as he watched The Fosters on Netflix. When I hung up, I tell Ross that I need to call Shawn and update him. Plus, Sabrina has been super distant lately...maybe it's the allegations and stuff online, or the fact that I'm one of Ross's friends but, it's kinda worrying. I call Shawn and update him that I'm okay, and Ross is with me. There's a touch of jealous in his voice, and he sounds sad lonely. All I want is to go over there and just be in his presence. Have you ever just wanted to be near somebody? Ever just felt graced by being in someone's presence? That's what he says he feels when he's with me. Frankly I think it's the opposite. He's staying at his parents house for a while actually. Since the whole Aaliyah incident, and they've started rebuilding their family. Slowly, but surely. In fact, I'm supposed to go over there this weekend with Shawn for dinner and just stay there that night instead of coming back to campus. After I get off the phone with him, I text Sabrina, and turn my attention to the tv that Ross is watching. What I didn't expect, was the regular ding that followed the second I put my phone down.

A/n: in maybe 10 or more chapters, THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END. But, there will most likely be a sequel. That is, if you guys want it? LET ME KNOW

insta: once_upon_a_shawn_
Twitter: whenyoureruin
Also, you should check out my imagines book lol

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