Pt. 36

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Y/n POV:
It's a picture. Of a guy. With fluffy, semi greasy brown hair, on top of a girl with dirty blonde hair in an apartment. Wait a no no. This-this is me! Me and Ross! This is the picture that was taken through the window by the guy. Oh my gosh...what do I do? I can't contact him! His phone is right here! He's not jealous to think that this was real is he? What am I saying he's the most protective person I've ever met of course he's that jealous. I don't mean that in a bad's just...I love Shawn and I miss him. But...we'll no. He's right. I am always around Ross. That's cause he's my best friend though! I've always been closer to guys. I've grown up around them, and they don't cause as much drama as girls. It's more of the kind of drama like- "so here's my issue, and I'm asking for advice, even though I'm really too prideful to actually take it" and they don't exaggerate things like girls do. I frantically look around the room in desperate search for a note, or some sign of where he could be. I happen to glance at the door and spot a Manila yellow sticky note. I hesitantly yank it off of the condo's door as read the messy hand writing- "next time you're about to hookup with your friend, make sure your stalker isn't around. I knew you were gonna leave me for someone better. I just didn't think it would be this quick. I love you. -Shawn" no no no! This isn't happening! He really thinks that was real! I pull out my phone as I pace around the kitchen and call Karen. She knows nothing. I can Manuel. Nothing. Finally, I call Aaliyah.
"Hello?" She answer. Clearly she doesn't have my number in her phone.
"Hey Liyah! This is Y/n. Uhm...I have a slight issue. There's been something happening recently with me, and Shawn found something and read way too much into it. I'll tell you the full version later, but have you heard from him? Like at all?" I answer out of breath. I hear floorboards creak under her feet.
"Y/n what's happening? I got a a text a from Shawn early this morning saying he was going away, and that he loved me, but he never answered back." She asks me. I grab his phone and sure enough he typed it and sent it too her. But, there's a message left that he didn't send. "Don't come looking for me." It reads. What does that mean?
"Liyah I'll come pick you up in a few and we can talk about this okay?" I suggest.
Then I call Ross after I hang up with her to get his Aunt Stef to make a missing persons report. Then a thought comes to my mind. Shawn always wears his Apple Watch, which tracks his location. I search around his condo and the watch isn't on the charger, nor can i find it anywhere else. I grab Shawns phone and Ross comes and picks me up and we're off to go get Aaliyah. I sign into Shawn find my iPhone thing since he has his password saved on his phone and pull up with location. Wait....what?

I KNOW THIS WAS SHORT! I'm trying to make this story as long as possible by making some shorter chapters. Also, double updates today woohoooo

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