Pt. 32

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Y/n POV:
Allison mouths at me to stay where I am and be quiet as she walks to towards the door. "Who is it?" She yells through the wooden door. "It's Ross.....and Shawn" the two voices say back. She gives me a look as if to say "why are they here?!?" I immediately stand up and go over to the door and open it myself. Shawn tries to hug me, but Ross already pushed him out of the way to rush over and cradle my head. I can instantly she Shawns anger spike up. "God I was so worried about you. How are you?" Ross says still holding me. I tug slightly away from him and go to latch on to Shawn as my body quakes. "Yeah baby what happened? Are you safe?" Shawn says mumbling in my hair as I go to sit down on my bed. Allison stays in the kitchen, listening from a far. "I...I don't know. I have no clue who this could be, or why they would do this. I got a text...from an unknown number, asking why I was crying....I was inside the dorm. Then they texted me saying I looked pretty after my shower...." I say pulling my phone out to show the text messages to both of them. Ross rips my phone out of my hand and stares at it. Shawn lending over, anger fuming and his eyes black. Ross's jaw is clenched and he looks almost possessed with anger. "Shawn, your parents own that law company right? Well my aunts a police officer. Her names Stef. I can get in contact with her immediately and we'll fuel a police report. In the meantime, you're not safe here Sunshine." I shutter at the Ross's words. Shawn's jaw clenches so tight at the nickname I think he might break a tooth. Shawn stands up and speaks up "I think he's right. You're not safe here. Which is why you should stay at my place" Allison rushes into where we are to object "no! She is not! She's needs me here too. Also, ever thought about how close her being to campus for her classes? She'll be fine with me." Allison says herself now fuming with anger. "ENOUGH" I yell out frustrated beyond belief. "None of you are the boss of me, so I get to make this decision. Ally you said you were leaving in a week to go to France for the foreign exchange program anyway, so maybe it's for the best." I say trying to reason between all three of them. "What if....what if we take turns? I can stay for a few nights, then Shawn can come stay, or you can stay at my dorm, and then stay at Shawns for safety reasons. I can even get my dad to get you a car if you need. We just want you safe." Ross suggests. I see Shawn running it all through his mind. "I guess that could work. I have a spare room at my apartment, and we could both sleep in Allison's bed I guess while she's gone, and Ross-" "my roommates never there. He's always at some girls place at night so she's safe there too." Ross says letting out a huff. The all, including Allison look at me, I nod hastily to agree because at this point, I'm so tired to argue. About an hour later, once it's all sorted out, everyone leaves and I go back to bed. I don't actually sleep though...I just stare at the ceiling.
*2 days later*

Today's the day I mean Ross's aunt Stef and talk to her about the...stalking incident so far. I haven't gotten anymore texts....yet. It's a Saturday, and Allison leaves on Wednesday. Ross and I have a breakfast meeting to talk about his incident with...Sabrina. I can't believe this. I walk across the courtyard blasting Gnash through my headphones as I make eye contact with a familiar face. Eli.

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