Chapter 8

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He stared at his coffee like a zombie while I was staring at him in the same position for past twenty minutes.

I tapped his shoulder after another mental debate of ten minutes. He gave me a thunderous glare and kissed his teeth in aggression.

Heaving loudly, he gulped down the coffee in one go and stood up.

'Five minutes.', he announced.
'I won't wait longer than that.'

And I knew what he meant.
I was ready. I got hold of my bag and followed him out.
A lift from him was quite an unexpected news, but then again, he's always unpredictable.

His Audi purred out of the parking and soon we were on the road.
I took a closer look at him and was astonished at the sight of new suit.

Where did that come from?

He stayed last night at my place and there he had no change of clothes.
I really need to get a grip around of my vicinity.

'Is that your man?', Bella jumped when I met her half way through the gate.

I nodded my head and walked straight ahead. I really didn't like the way she used to inquire about him.

'Well I didn't get a full view!', she pouted matching my pace.

'We're getting late.'


'On Friday!', she chimed with a bolus in her mouth.

Paul had finally asked her out and she couldn't help but beam all the time.

'I want you to come along.', she whined.

'No! I can't.',I exclaimed.
What was this girl?
Last time I checked, a date symbolizes two people meeting together and I really didn't want to be the third wheel while she was shoving her tongue down his throat.

Even the thought made me gag.

'You okay?', she asked while slurping on her drink.

I nodded my head and my thoughts wandered around Zasha.
Let her be okay

I was walking slowly towards the gate with Bella continuously nagging me to come along with her on that stupid excuse of a date.

She sucked in a harsh breath and I looked around for any sign of Paul. There wasn't any.

'What?', I asked somewhat out of the blue.

'Look!', she pointed in a discreet direction and I found her bearing.

What was he doing here?

With shades on his eyes, I knew he must be glaring behind it because of my low pace.
My steps quickened and I found myself jogging.

'Why are you running?', Bella complained while stumbling over her heels.

'I need to go. We'll talk tomorrow.'

'Hey! is that your husband?', she asked giddily while we crossed the gate.

I nodded my head and she giggled.

'Introduce us..', she whispered in my ear.

This was no time of meet ups. He was already stricken due to his sister's condition but Bella had to be a perfect nuisance. I thought to shoo her away but we'd already reached him.

'Get in.', he snapped hurriedly while opening his door.

Bella elbowed me and I glared at her.

Couldn't she see he was in no mood to meet her?

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