You Dont Have To Worry

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"Jacob! Jacob where did you go?" You kept spinning around turning every direction to see if you could spot him. Where the hell? "Jake!" You whispered at loud as you could trying to get a response from him. Okay, if I was Jacob, which direction would I go? You thought for a moment analyzing your options. Ok I can't go to the right because that's where we just came from. It's either left or forward. I didn't see him go forwards so left is the only way to go...

"Ok. Jacob you're so dead once I find you." You pushed open the left door, peeking in a little before opening the door completely. Looks like the coast is clear. You quietly slid through the door, holding it so that when you shut it, it wouldn't make a big sound. Everyone was probably backstage setting up for the opening act or in the sound booth, so it made sense there was no one to be seen in the corridors. Okay I have to find him before the concert starts, what time is it? You pulled out your phone from your back pocket, pressing the home button so that it turned on. 6:50. It's ten minutes before the first opening act goes on. "I have time."

15 minutes later...
"Jacob! I swear to god!" You had spend the last fifteen minutes walking around the hundreds of corridors the building seemed to have looking for your best friend that was still nowhere to be seen. You tried calling and leaving him a thousand messages but nothing seemed to work. The opening act had gone onstage twenty minutes ago and you still couldn't find him. You were starting to worry that you wouldn't find him or even worse, miss the show. "Did he just disappear out of thin air!?" You huffed lifting  your arms up in defeat.

"Who disappeared out of thin air?" You froze recognizing the voice behind you. You turned around slowly, wanting to know if what you had heard was true. Your jaw dropping at the sight of the person standing in front of you.

"Holy shi-"
Hello again beautiful people! Ugh, sorry, another short chapter. But I wanted to leave it in a cliff hanger so that's why it's really short. The next one is gonna come out really soon though so be on the look for It! Thank you guys for reading, see y'all on the next one!!

Girls Love Girls And Brendon Urie (Brendon Urie X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora