Twenty Eight

323 2 0

Kwon Hyuk

"Let's make an agreement." Yuri dad's announced as he put a very familiar invitation on my desk.

Of course it looked familiar, it's me and Yuri's wedding invitation!

It was her choice, she loves cream and elegant coloured theme while I wanted was a doff black and hint of silver. I remember she was so mad when I absentmindedly said I don't like her choice of color, we argued but in the end I gave up and let her win.

I glanced at the invitation which placed on my desk but didn't bother to open it.

Marriage wasn't currently on my top list.

"I don't want to know about your feeling to Yuri, I don't need that bullshit. All I care is about her condition.." he pressed his palms on my desk, emphasizing his words.

I sat still on my seat, looking back at him, puzzled.

'What are you trying to say?' that was I tried to say through my eyes.

"I want you to look this as business, Hyuk. Just between you and me, no one will know. We'll do it legally, written in a paper, just like contract. That's what we do, right? Business." He kept talking but I couldn't catch where the hell was the conversation going to.

"What's your point?" I muttered impatiently.

He took step back from my desk and declared, "I want you still do the wedding."

"What-" I was about to snap at him but he cut me off.

"I'll pay for the loss on Jung's Corporate which cause by Marshall Construction."

I clenched my fists, trying my best to not connecting my fist on his jaw.

How dare he try to bribe me!

"The delay of project will cause more expenses, and Marshall Construction will be in charge for that. Not to mention that  Marshall Construction can't do much about that.."

I have never been so angry like this, never in my life. If beating him to death was legal then I'd gladly doing that. My face felt so hot as my anger inside me keep boiling.

'Fuck you.' I gave him deathly stare.

"We all know how much worth those project, you have no choice either you will pay that expense to keep the project or the worst.. Jung's Corporate terminate the project, leaving you with nothing."

How I fuckin hate to admit that he was right, but my pride won't be dragged down easily.

I got up from my seat and glared at him, I couldn't control my anger anymore.

"Are you trying to bribe me to marry Yuri? For God's sake, she's your own daughter! And you talk about her feeling, her life like it's just a business?!"

He strode fast on my desk and banged it loudly, "Because I fuckin know you and your ego! You know how much Yuri loves you, yet you still being an asshole! I won't beg you to marry her! Never! So this is what I do, doing business with you!"

That got me.
He was right and bruised my ego.

Fucking hell!

"I don't care how much I will pay for that, as long as Yuri is happy. She gets what she wants, and what a shame that she only wants you!"

His eyes were fiery, I could tell he was furious as hell.

"Why..." I asked, demand his answer.

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