
383 9 1

Jung Kiseok

I didn't know how bad I treated her for almost six months, but I did notice how uncomfortable she was, how she often fiddling her fingers when she's nervous and secretly glancing me then looked out the window, avoiding my eyes.

She must be scared of me.

I glanced at her then Yoona from the mirror view, they didn't talk too much. Yoona was sleepy and started to drift off to sleep while Eunha was too anxious on her seat.

"Are you fine with seafood?" I asked, trying to engage a conversation. I knew Eunha wasn't a shy girl, in opposite, she was cheerful and talkative. I often heard her chatting and joking with the other employee, she loved to laugh, but I never witnessed her laugh in front of my own eyes.

I have known her since her very first day working at my dad's company, she worked hard and she's an honest worker. My dad often praised her, he told me and my mom how he felt helped by Eunha's presence. Knowing my dad wasn't easy to praise someone, I thought this Eunha must have something in her.

And yes, she was. I knew she took her job seriously even though she's Yoona's bestfriend, she worked professionally, I noticed it when I took my internship at my dad's company. Since then, I could see her grown as mature and skillful assistant personal.

But after all, she's still a girl and loved to play that bubble burst game which often got caught by myself when I secretly accessed her laptop.

"I'm fine with seafood as long as it's not crab, Sir." She answered, still stiff and sounded like robot.

"Okay then." I nodded.

And there was silent again.. Am I too boring to talk to?

"I just realized we never talk about not work related.." I began the conversation again, testing the air.

She glanced at me shyly and nodded, "I think so, Sir."

"It's awkward, isn't it?" I asked, right on the point then chuckled. "I'm sorry, I just realized we never really 'talk'."

"It's okay, Sir. I understand your situation." She nervously glanced at me and the moment our eyes met, she smiled genuinely.

"I guess, we need to talk and hang out more together since we close with the same person." I suggested, thinking to make her more comfortable. I liked the way she work but one thing that concerned me was she always looks uneasy when I'm around. I was okay with the other employee because they weren't spending time much with me, but it's different with Eunha, she was my personal assistant and I didn't want to scared her.

She was happy and enjoying her time when she worked with my dad and I expected the same. Plus, I was sure I'm more fun than my old man though.

Sorry, dad. But you know how I love you.

At the moment, I made myself mental note to spare my time to hangout with her and Yoona as well together as friend.


Young Eunha

The car riding was very awkward at first and being an usual helpful bestfriend, Yoona quickly fell asleep through the whole car riding, leaving me sat with anxious feeling.

I'm freaking riding in car with own boss!

I mentally screamed, it was my first though I had been working as his personal assistant for almost six months. He usually had meeting at the company, as far as I know, he usually pick dinner for the informal meeting so he didn't need to bring me along with him.

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