Thirty One

50 3 2

Kwon Hyuk

"Mr. Kwon, do you want to eat something for lunch?" I almost slipped my mac off from my hand when Shuhua, my secretary greeted me as soon as I opened my door.

"No. I'm fine, thank you." I replied shortly, not wanting explain anything. I just want to go to another meeting then play basketball because I needed to release stress.

"But, Sir—" she added but I quickly raised my finger to stop her.

"I know. I'm okay, I will eat when I need to."

It's almost five days after my arrival from LA, I'm so devastated accepting the fact that Yuri didn't want to get back with me, not even befriends and she completely left my message on read without reply. I want to know if she was okay, but what can I expect from my asshole deeds in the past? Nothing, except disappointment and ashamed of myself.

Shuhua must have noticed I haven't asked her to buy me lunch and dinner recently, she knew I didn't eat much as I used to. Well, who will have an appetite when he's heartbroken?

Heartbroken? You feel heartbroken now? Asshole, how about Yuri back then when you ditched her from your life like dirt?

"Mr. Kwon.." Kwanghee greeted me from the opened elevator, I must be standing here quite long to notice him.

"Are you okay, Sir?" he asked again. I walked into elevator without saying anything.

"They already processed on trial, Sir." He informed about our case.

"Make it quick, make sure that fucker rot in prison." I hold the grudge, really bad. So if someone messed with me, I'll make sure they will pay more than what he did to me.

"Mr. Jung wants to continue the construction as soon as possible, Sir.. He called since last week but you were out of the country—" right, I forgot to inform him. I was so focus to make that bastard rot in jail while Yuri ignoring me. I need to focus more.

"Make an appointment with him." I glanced at my watch, 03.20 PM.

"He's at the lobby right now, Sir."

"Is he?" If Kiseok came by himself then it's mean he knows something.

"He said he will reschedule if you're busy." Kwanghee was about to fish out cellphone from his pocket.

"It's okay, better to meet him now. Please reschedule my meeting with Mr. Han."

"Yes, Sir."


Jung Kiseok

"Mr. Jung.."

I looked up from my phone, there's Kwon Hyuk standing not far away from me. I thought my sudden visit would end up nothing since no sign from his General Manager.

"Mr. Kwon.." I greeted him. He looked like a mess for someone who finally revive after crisis. He had been away and out of reached for this past weeks. I already heard about the perpetrator fraud, finally the drama will be ended I can finish my hotel construction.

"You said you want to meet me, do you come with your driver?" he asked.

I was about to talk him while lunch, I wanted to talk more comfortable, discussing about his father in law.

"No, I'm driving myself." I replied quickly.

"Let's talk while playing basketball, if you don't mind."

His impulsive offer made me frown, but I agreed on it anyway.

"Sure, text me the address then."

Few minutes later, we both inside our car and drive to the place after put the address on my GPS. I've never been in this place before, but I admit it's cool. It has so many space to do various sport. Somehow it got me excited because I hadn't play basketball for quite long time. I should ask Eunha to accompany me next time so I could show off to her, no Kwon of course. Only me with her, she will love it.

1 vs 1 impulsive basketball match made us taking off our suit, trying our best to be comfortable doing sport with office outfit.

"Mr. Park wants to take over the construction building." I passed the ball to him.

"I knew he would do that." Kwon Hyuk dribbled smoothly but I won't let him passing me easily.

"He even gave me the guarantee that I could build anything."

"The Governor's his friend." He tried to shoot but I block him, the ball is mine and I caught a glimpse of anger on his eyes.

"I don't trust them." then I shot three points before he could react.

He took the ball and did slam dunk which was pretty good.

"Never trust them." He passed the ball back to me.

"Not in million years, but he's your father in law." I piped in then did layup smoothly.


"My ex-father in law to be." he corrected.

Our eyes finally met, "What?"

"The wedding is canceled."


Kwon Hyuk

Kiseok glared at me, looking angry out of the blue.

"Why?" he looked at me dumbfounded now.

Should I tell him the truth? Will he give me advice how to win back an ex fiancee whom you dumped then you want her and she dump you because you're such an asshole? No shit, he will probably laugh at my misery.

"It happened that way." I replied curtly, thinking about Yuri's whereabouts. I've missed her.

"I'm sorry to hear that." he said, no sincerity at all. This brat, seriously.

"Thanks." I waved him off, didn't want to look more pathetic than already I am.

"Anyway, we can continue the construction on Tuesday, I'll pay the penalty because it still affecting your schedule." I added. I will focus on my job more than ever while find out how to fix this mess. I'm grown adult, I have responsibilities to deal with.

"Meet you in two days then?" Kiseok reached out of his hand

"Deal." I shook his hand.

We called the match off, it was fun. Actually Kiseok has talent on basketball, maybe we should ask more people to play basketball next time.

"Did you join basketball club back then?" he asked when we both walk towards the bench.

"Almost joined national team." The short flashback came in my mind, how angry my dad when I tell him I wanted to be professional player. I ended up turning down the scholarship and went to Engineering school instead.

"That's cool, but why stop?"

"I'm the only son, need to take care my dad's business. How about you?"

"I joined, but only for fun because I like it--" he was about to say something but his phone rang.

"Hi.." he greeted in soft tone.

Could it be? Eunha?

"No, I'm not. I'm already finish anyway.." then he looked at me apologetically, I nodded understanding. Giving him signal that he can leave if he wanted to

"I miss you too." I heard him says to the phone then giving me thumb up before I could break his skull with this basket ball.

Their lovey dovey shit made me upset.

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