The houses as my friends and me

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I saw this and thought it was cool. This is the houses based on my friends and I. Try it in the comments

Ravenclaw (My best friend)
- "I just bought a new book"
"didn't you just get 5 yesterday?"
"What's your point?"
-Can't see without glasses
-Eats small portions of food to convince herself she's healthy but eats 10 times a day
- "I'll actually do my homework this time"
"No you won't, die lie to me"
-Privledged but refuses to admit it
-Doesn't swear

Slytherin (my best friend)
- "I need money for another tattoo"
-"I gave myself a tattoo"
- Insults you all the time but will destroy anyone else who tries the same thing
-Sleeps all day
-Literally never awake like come on!
- "I'm hungry"
"It's 3am"
"Good point, I'll drive us to Maccas"
- Rude and doesn't care
-Can't go through a sentence without swearing

Gryffindor (my boyfriend)
- "I'm smart, I'm just lazy"
- Never stops playing the bass guitar
- "Hey babe, I know it's late but can you make me food? You're food taste good"
- Quite but will fuck you up if you hurt someone he cares about
- Golden child of his family
-Never stops playing the bass guitar
- Please stop playing the bass guitar and let me sleep
-Won't swear in front of his parents because he is the good child

Hufflepuff (me bitch)
- Is 5'2
- "Hey where are my glasses?"
"on your head idiot"
- "I am a independent woman who doesn't need your help!"
"You can't reach just let me get it for you"
- Family disappointment becasue she's successful
- Says stupid shit but is actually smart
- "Today I'll stop swearing"
"No you won't"
"Fuck you I do what I want"

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