Chapter 7: The Beacon Dance.

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Sun: Curse this dumb death trap! It's trying to strangle me!

Tadeo: You're tightening it too much, Sun.

Tadeo helped Sun loosen the tie he had given him for the dance. The time of the dance was almost upon and Axel decided to get ready with Sun, Tadeo and Jaune in his dorm room. Tadeo had put on his dust infused clothing and Axel both stayed around to help Jaune and Sun get into their respective attires. After helping Jaune with his clothes, Axel proceeded to tie his bow tie.

Sun: I still don't really get why people have wear these things?

Axel: Truth to be told, not all people enjoy wearing open shirts and shorts in the middle of the night.

Sun: Who would tell you that?!

Axel: My "mom".

After much fuss, Tadeo had fixed Sun's tie enough to make him look a bit formal. Well, almost formal. Axel turned to Jaune who was still getting ready.

Axel: By the way, Jaune have you asked someone out into the dance yet?

Axel asked him this as he looked him over the mirror he are using to straighten out his tie. Axel saw him shake his head from side to side.

Jaune: No. Well, I tried asking Weiss out a couple of times, but you can guess It didn't go really well, Axel.

Axel suddenly remembered that one time he tried serenading Weiss out to go with him for the dance.

Axel: Haha.... Yeah, I noticed. But what about Pyrrha? Did you try asking her? She's a nice person after all.

Jaune stops nearly unfastens the straps on his shoes as he heard this.

Jaune: Wh-Wh-What?! Pssh. No way! You know Pyrrha. She would never go with someone like me.

Axel mentally face-palmed at Jaune's response. Throughout all his time in Beacon, Axel saw how Pyrrha had tried to get the attention of Jaune countless times, only for him to not even notice once. Once!

Tadeo: (Mumbling) Geez. Just how dense can you even get?

Jaune: Huh?

Axel: What Tadeo is trying to say is, have you ever think it's weird that Pyrrha's always trying to get your attention? How she's always the first to agree with you and compliments you all the time?

Jaune: Not really, that doesn't seem that weird to me.

Tadeo: Are you kidding me?! Jaune, she's head over heels for you!

Jaune: Now that's just ridiculous, Tadeo! Nuh-uh. There is no way she thinks of me something like that. We're just friends, after all.

Axel: Just keep telling yourself that, Jaune. You're gonna regret it in the end.

Axel then walked out the dorm, still annoyed by Jaune's thickness. Although, he couldn't really say the same for himself, since Ruby had been Axel's first girlfriend and he had been making up most of it as he went along with it. He then walked out of the dorm room and agreed to just meet them at the dance. Axel began walking out towards the moonlit courtyard. He had noticed it had gotten quite dark. He were just a couple of meters away from the doors that would take he to the ball, when...

Ruby: Axel!!!

Axel turned to his back to witness such a grand sight. Ruby was clumsily running towards him in a red corset dress, with a black belt, and black pumps. Axel didn't really know what to say in response a blush appeared in the face of Axel astonished by the aspect of Ruby. Ruby blushed a bit as Axel continued to look at her in amazement.

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