Chapter 5: Strength Test.

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Inside the big Beacon cafeteria, Tadeo is seen sitting alone at the long table while slowly eating his lunch. At that moment, someone hits his tray on the opposite side of Tadeo's table. He looks up to see Rebecca taking a seat.

Rebecca: man! That row was long.

Tadeo: Hmhm ... I could say.

He says as he looks at the long row he was heading. Just as he was about to return to his lunch, he saw Airis approaching, waving cheerfully. At least she was suddenly when Cardin and her thugs made her stumble, and they laughed at the fall of Airis. Rebecca and Tadeo got angry when they saw this. Rebecca hurried to help her companion, who began to cry a little, while Tadeo with one red eye and the other normal hit his book hard on the table, while shouting Cardin's name out loud.

Tadeo: CARDIN !!!

His sudden outburst resounded in the cafeteria. He walked slowly towards Cardin and his team, a dark aura seemingly emitting from him as he made his way in his path. When I was in one ear,

Tadeo: I've had enough with you causing problems for Airis. How about we solve this in Glynda's class in combat combat? 4 against 1. I against you and all your equipment, Cardin.

This gave Airis and Rebecca a complete surprise, as they opened their eyes in shock. The students inside the cafeteria were startled when Cardin looked at his teammates who had an expression of agreement on their faces. Cardin smiles maliciously as he turns to Thaddeus.

Cardin: It's a deal, Frost. You will regret doing this.

Tadeo: I could tell you the same, Winchester.

With that, Cardin and his team walk away from the cafeteria. Rebecca releases Airis and approaches Tadeo. But before she could even get close, he was already out of arm's reach when he was also leaving the cafeteria. Right after, Axel entered the cafeteria and approached his remaining companions.

Axel: Hey, what did I miss?

Rebecca told her the whole story about the difficult situation of Airis, and the whole situation that happened with Tadeo and Team CRDL, and how Tadeo defiantly challenged his entire team
in a game of four against one.

Axel: WHAT ?!


Glynda: Now let me be clear, when one's Aura runs out, they would be susceptible to serious injury; and as students of this Academy, they are expected to behave accordingly. Then, to demostrate this, we will have an exhibition match between Pyrrha Nikos of Team JNPR and Axel of Team ATAR.

Both teams, along with the RWBY Team, encouraged the two, as they both nodded mutually respectively. Both left the stands and went to prepare. He puts on all his battle gear, takes Blade Of Justice out of his locker. When he was ready to start, he started walking towards the arena.

Axel and Pyrrha were standing on opposite sides of the arena while both took their combat positions.

Pyrrha: This is going to take a lot of time.

Axel: Do not sell yourself short, Pyrrha. It may not even last a few minutes with you.

Pyrrha: Heh, I try.

Glynda: Ready? Begin!

She instantly launched herself at Axel right after that second, but he saw it coming and evaded the attack. Following, he gave a powerful blow with his sword to send it flying a couple of meters. She leans back in the air and stabs her weapon on the ground to stop the force. They loaded the one towards the other and began to swing to each other. Miraculously, Axel was able to stop most of his attacks before knocking her down.

RWBY: Altered Destiny Volume 2 [RWBY Fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang