The fight

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"Kion for King's sake, pull yourself together. Vitani's in danger and you're daydreaming?"
Kiara's shouting pulled Kion out of his thoughts and back to the present.
"Uhh yeah I forgot," he murmured.
Then he turned to Fuli.
"Where's the rest of the guard?" He asked. 
"I don't know," she replied.
"How can you not know?"
"I don't know okay! Do you expect me to know everyone's business?"
Kion growled and pushed her out of the way.
"Fine I don't need you, I'll take care of Janja myself! With or without you and the guard,"
"I'll remember that. Just don't call me back when you're in that kind of mood, cause I can be ten times worst!" she shouted before she pushed past Kion and ran off.
Kion scoffed and ran down the steps closely followed by Kovu, Marisa and Kiara
"Lionesses! To the Eastern waterhole now!" shouted Kovu.
Ten lionesses came running out of the den.
"Don't worry love, I'm coming," said Kion to himself.

Meanwhile at the waterhole.
The hyenas were snapping and barking while they circled Vitani who was lying on her side.
There was approximately 15 of them altogether. A small number for Vitani considering the grueling years of fighting she'd spend with Zira in the outlands.
She could've taken them right there and now, if they hadn't threatened Kion that is.
"I told your lover not to chase us out of the Pride Lands but did he listen? No he did not," sneered Janja.
"Nasty little monsters like yourselves have no place in the Pride Lands. You neither care about the Circle of Life, or it's inhabitants!" Vitani growled.
Janja and his hyenas cackled wickedly.
"True we don't care about the Circle of Life. If it weren't for the meager food resources in the outlands, we would have no reason to come to the Pride Lands. Too bad we have pups to care for and pregnant females so we couldn't resist to snag a couple of morsels,"
"Kion was in the right to chase you out, I wonder he didn't kill you instead!" snarled Vitani.
Janja growled and he signalled his hyenas to pounce on the lioness.
She stood up on her feet and tried to fend off the snapping dogs. One of them unfortunately got behind her and bit her savagely on her hind leg making her cry out in pain. A hyena's jaw could break elephant bones so a lion's bone was nothing.
Another jumped on her back and but her behind her neck this time making her scream.
All heads turned and Janja snarled upon seeing Kion standing in a rock.
"Well, well well. Look who finally decided to pay a visit, how're you doing Kion, nice weather isn't it?" he said.
Kovu appeared on the second rock and glared at Janja.
"Janja release my sister this instant or you'll regret you ever set foot in the Pride Lands," he said aggressively.
Janja cackled and his hyenas followed.
"Kovu my old buddy since when are you on the side of the enemy? I thought you were with Scar,"
"Scar was a monster! He killed his own brother for the throne that wasn't even his and he became a tyrant,making the Pride Lands a barren wasteland!"
"Just like the outlands," sneered Janja.
"I'm giving you ten seconds to get off of Vitani or else," growled Kion.
"Or else what?" asked Cheezie, one of Janja's followers.
"Or else you're dead!" shouted Marisa.
"You're bluffing," said Chungu, another of Janja's followers.
"Stay another minute and see if they're really bluffing. But I guarantee you'll be very sorry," snarled Kiara.
"Challenge accepted," said Janja.
Kion smiled and began to count.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four…
"Too late she's dead,"
Janja bit down on Vitani's neck making her scream in agonizing pain.
Kion and Kovu lunged at Janja and Vitani was instantly released.
She fell to the ground gasping for air.
The rest of hyenas scattered around as the rest of the rescue team jumped off the rock and started to attack them, followed by Marisa.
Kiara was holding for Vitani in a corner trying to keep her out of harm's way.
Kovu and Kion were viciously attacking Janja who was laughing like a maniac.
After five minutes, six hyenas were dead and the remainders were running to the outlands with their tails behind their legs with bites and scratches everywhere.
Cheezie, Chungu and Janja were the only ones left.
"Did you like it when I bit your pretty little angel's neck? Was it fun for you to watch?" asked Janja tauntingly.
Kovu growled and swiped him across his face.
"Kovu get away," said Kion.
After Kovu was out of the way, Kion stood in  a certain position and he used The Roar to send Janja, Cheezie and Chungu back to the outlands.
After the enemies were gone, Kion sighed and walked to the corner where Kiara lay with Vitani who was currently unconscious due to the loss of blood.
"Is she okay?" he asked softly.
Kiara shook her head sadly.
"She has a pulse but the loss of blood has made her weak. She needs Rafiki to help her,"
Kion nodded and motioned for Kovu to place Vitani on his back.
After ensuring she was safe, Kion, along with Kovu, Marisa Kiara and the rest of lionesses walked back to Pride Rock.

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