Choose your side wisely

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Kovu's mind was in two places. He knew how many risks were associated were associated with the situation and he knew how many things could go wrong. Kiara could get hurt, the pride could get hurt and Scar could take over the Pride Lands. This disaster had to be dealt with discreetly and acurately. He took a deep breath and approached Scar. "I'll make a deal with you Scar, let Kiara go and I'll do whatever you say," he said bowing his head. 

"Kovu NO!" Kiara shouted urgently. "Don't do it, don't do anything for this... this monster!" Scar growled and swiped Kiara's face with his paws. "Don't you dare disrespect me!" shouted angrily. Kovu clenched his teeth. It took every single ounce of his self control not to lunge at Scar and rip his throat out. But he restrained himself with great difficulty. 

"Do we have a deal?" Kovu asked the other lion lowly. Scar considered the offer and turned to face Zira to see what she thought. She nodded vigourosly and grinned deviously. Scar returned the grin and turned to face Kovu. "You say you'll do anything? And when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING?" Kovu nodded. Vitani and Marisa looked at their brother in horror and walked up to him. "Do you realize what you're doing?" Marisa whispered in his ear. "You're practically selling your soul!" 

Kovu knew his sister was right, but he also knew he would rather do that than see his beloved get hurt at the paws of Scar. He shook his head. "Marisa I know what I'm doing. I'm protecting Kiara, as well as the rest of our pride. So yes maybe I am selling my soul. But for a price I'm willing to pay." he said  sadly. Marisa stiffened and hung her head in despair. Kovu raised his head and faced Scar and Zira who were looking disgustingly gratified at the dilema Kovu was facing. "I ask again, do we have a deal?" he asked coldly. 

"Why don't you take a few minutes to properly decide?" Zira suggested. "Because once you make your decision, there will be no taking back. Take your time and reconsider...

"I DON'T NEED TO RECONSIDER! DO WE HAVE A DEAL OR NOT?!" Kovu shouted infuriated, causing everyone around him to gasp and back away. Scar stared at him and felt sickly satisfied  with the fact that Kovu was at war with his inner demons. A trait Scar himself had inherited at a young age, and had grown to nurture. "Take your precious mate and stand next to me. I'll tell you what you have to do when you do that," Scar said wickedly. 

Kiara began to cry when Scar let her go. She ran to Kovu and threw herself at him, crying her eyes out. "Kovu please I'm begging you, don't do this. Don't go with him, he's a monster and he's using you for his own gains. You're nothing but a pawn in his sick game!" she cried. Kovu stiffened and hugged her tightly as if it were the last time he was seeing her.  He had made a deal with Scar; he let Kiara go and Kovu would go with him and do whatsoever he wanted. Scar had lived up to his end of the deal and now it was Kovu's turn. He had to go, if anything he knew he would probably never see his love or his family again. But at least they would be safe. And to Kovu, that was all that mattered. 

He pried himself away from Kiara and motioned for Simba and Nala to take her. Kiara resisted and clung to Kovu. She refused to let him go. "NO! Kovu please don't go! Don't leave me, I'm begging you," she cried. Kovu moved away and asked Vitani and Marisa to help Simba and Nala restrain Kiara. She screamed and fought them as they held her down, and as her love left her side to go over to Scar and his devious mate. "LET ME GO! HE'S LEAVING, SOMEBODY STOP HIM!" Kiara screamed as Scar, Zira and Kovu walked off the platform. 

Vitani and Marisa eventually broke down and lay there sobbing as their brother left. Diana and Burnt- Eboney came over to console their daughters. Diana too was crying and she had great difficulty restraining herself. She couldn't believe her son was leaving. Her heart was breaking and she felt like she was having a heart attack. 

Kiara was wailing, Vitani and Marisa were crying, Diana had fainted and Nala and Simba were begging the Great Kings to do something while the rest of the pride stood their, paralyzed with grief and trauma. 

Kovu was walking at the side of Scar. His head was bent low and tears were falling rapidly. Kiara was suffering, he knew this for a fact. But he had no choice  he did what he had to do to ensure Kiara was safe. She would find a new mate and everything would be alright. Sure Vitani, Marisa and his parents would mourn for him forever but he had no other alternative. Hasari, Maugi and Kuuma were there at Pride Rock and they would be there to protect the pride. The only thing he was concerned about was Scar and Zira going back on their words. As long as they kept their words and left the Pride Lands forever, Kovu wasn't worried about anything; except for the fact that the pain he felt would never ever go away.

Sad chapter I know but I needed to put it in. Sorry If I've made anybody cry.  :( :( :(

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