Two Girls Are Better Than One

Start from the beginning

"Paige you've been plenty help, but I just don't want you getting into any danger. Especially because of me". I admitted. I couldn't bare to think of what would happen if she were to get hurt or even die, trying to help me. This case is highly important but Paige was more important.

Nothing comes before me and my family.

But I was sure she could handle herself, hopefully I'm correct. "Alright Paige, lets go meet this off the charts physician". I said with a uneasy smile as she grabbed my hand and walked me towards the front door gently pressing the door bell.

Patiently waiting for a answer.

"Hello". The man was old, about mid 60's he cracked the door and peaked his head out.

"Hi, I heard you could get mediteophen, (not real medication) without a prescription".

"You were miss informed, goodbye". He goes to close the door, but Paige stops him.

"I need it, I can pay". Paige spoke, and that seemed to have gotten his attention. Money is all evil.

"Oh, well why didn't you say so". As he opened his door wide to let us in. Paige grabbed my hand, a usual thing she does when she's skeptical of something or nervous. Even as a cop I still get nervous going into dangerous situations, it's just a apart of the job.

"So my dear, your looking for mediteophen, having trouble sleeping? How much will you need?"

"I don't know, about 3 or 4 boxes". Paige said as she gave my hand a squeeze.

"Well that shouldn't be a problem". He smiled in our face, everything about this seemed sketchy to me. But I didn't act on it as I didn't have any evidence...yet. "You want a drink? I was just about to have one".

"Uh..sure". Paige responded, then the doctor looked to me.

"What about you silent one? Thirsty?"

" thank you". I said quickly as Paige and I were escorted to a nearby couch by a window. Baker poured the drinks for himself and Paige while I just sat beside her. I watched as she held the drink in her hands.

"So who recommended me?". The doctor asked and I wanted nothing more but to yell out how he's under arrest for prescribing illegal drugs but then I wouldn't get far with this Shadow Killer lead.

I looked to Paige to answer his question, mostly because I didn't know what to say. "I was at a party this guy had mediteophen and he said he got it from you". She said sheepishly, it seemed believable-ish. My phone got a text and I quickly looked, while Paige asked more questions to Baker.

The text was from Jayden...remember the first time we met, at that middle hill slide embankment? The tire tracks you uncovered? I got them analyzed..I know who handled the car maybe we can interrogate him together, call me as soon as you get this.

I decided to send a quick message to him, as I wasn't able to speak right now. Would have loved to call, but I'm heading a lead right now! But yeah we can check him out together send me the addy, and I'll be there in a hour. I sent the message and slid my phone back in my pocket now focusing on Paige and Baker.

We shouldn't be here to long, "So do you have all types of medicine?" Paige asked

"Everything has a price my dear...what about you? Do you have a price? What about your friend, does she have a price?"

"Oh no way? I'm not for sale and neither is my girl". Paige spoke, scoffing. "I heard you had some apartments for rent? I'm looking for something around Pearl street".

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