Chapter 21

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D/C: I own nothing.


Izuku was beside himself... despite what had occurred to Class 1-A and 1-B... Several of the students of both classes were invited to go to Konoha for the remainder of the break. He was one of the few that decided to go. Well, it was more like, there were several students that did not have the choice of whether they were going.

One of those students is Kacchan, he's going for his own safety. It was heavily noted by the League of Villains, that he was one of the primary targets. The school, police force dealing with said League and his parents want him out of the area up until the start of the new semester when everyone move into the dorms. From what he heard, he didn't put up much of a fight, if anything, he was looking forwards to the challenge.

Even so, Izuku is looking forward to going to Konoha. He could use this time training with Lee, who he kept in contact since that half a week of training. Taking in a deep breath, the green haired teen couldn't wait for it. Especially... especially after hearing how they do not judge someone on whether they have a quirk or. Not allowing a quirk to define oneself...

'I can do this.'


Izuku pulled out his phone when he got a notification, he just received a new text. His eyes widen at the two words on the text.

Pack light.


"Tenya is going to spend the remainder of the break with his brother, helping his recover." Ochaco informed Izuku and Shoto as they dragged around their luggage to their destination. Destination is the train station where everyone that is planning on going to Konoha to meet at. The three friends had agreed to first meet before meeting with the others. "I can't wait for this trip! Ino said that we'd be staying either at the Yamanaka or Nara compound."

"Compound?" Shoto asked, his face scrunched up in thought.

"Konoha has deep traditional roots, they have several clans in the village. The Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka are just three of said clans that reside in Konoha." Izuku explained, pulling out one of his notebooks from his person. He flipped through it and landed on the page where he wrote about the Nara Clan. As he spoke, his voice began to trail off uneasily. "Shikamaru told me his clan lives on the edge of the village... surrounded by a massive forest..."

An uneasy silence fell over this as this went through their minds.


Shikamaru repeatedly bounce his leg in place, writing a report to give to Lady Tsunade once he arrives back to the village. He needed to write to her what had happened in his time back when he was kidnapped and informing her of his decision of bringing foreigners to the village. Luckily for him, she likes and trust him enough to allow such thing to happen.

Plus... from what he was told, Izuku and Katsuki needed to get away from the area until the start of the next semester. There is still a fear the League of Villains will attempt to go after them and it is best to go somewhere where they cannot get to them.

'How the guy managed to get close to Izuku and not get caught is beyond me...' Shikamaru thought, frowning at the memory. He wasn't even there when that had occurred, he, Ino, and Choji were out looking for a decent teashop. Either way, he's going to make it his personal mission getting his friends to the village without incident.

"Oi, Nara."

Shikamaru looked up to see Eijiro and Katsuki had finally arrived, both carrying their respective luggage. Well, it was more like they had managed to fill backpacks to the near brim with what they were going to use for the remainder of the break. "What?"

"When do we fucking leave?" Katsuki demanded, letting out a snarl. He didn't bother to ask if he could sit next to Shikamaru.

"I texted everyone, they should be here within the next half hour. Next half hour after that, we start heading towards the station."

"Why didn't we all just meet at the train station?" Eijiro asked, he motioned if he could sit next to Shikamaru and only sat down once permission was granted.

"We're not going by train." Shikamaru answered, he started to put away his report back into his backpack. "Considering what happened to me... us... it is better to stay out of sight. Being in a train, is not being out of sight. Ino and Choji already left three days ago via train and they got bombarded. Not risking it."

"That would explain why they are not here..." Eijiro thought aloud. "What about your girlfriend and Gaara?"

"Getting our ride." Shikamaru answered, he waved his hand to get the attention of their friends who just arrived.


"A blimp?" Fumikage deadpanned, staring at the massive blimp that was in front of him and the others that decided to come along for the trip. The blimp had the symbol of Suna on the side of it, reminding everyone just how connected Shikamaru is.

"No wonder their names sounded familiar... YOUR ENGAGED TO THE SUNA AIRLINE HEIRESS!"

"What a drag..." Shikamaru rolled his eyes before he signaled for everyone to follow him towards the waiting ride.

To be continued...

Short. I know. The problem was that... I DO NOT KNOW WHO ELSE IS GOING TO KONOHA! I want a mix of both 1-A and 1-B, but at this point, I do not know which ones.


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