Chapter 10

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D/C: I own nothing.


A/N: Writer's block... with a vengeance.


"I'll marry you, but you have to show yourself worthy of marrying me."

"Damn troublesome woman... what do you think I've been doing?" Shikamaru fiddled with his fur vest, showing how nervous he was standing in front of the recently turned professional hero. He stopped fiddling with his vest and stood up straight to show how determined he is. "I asked Lady Tsunade to take me in as her assistant, she agreed."

"...Wow... Finally decided to get off your lazy ass?"

"For you? Anything."


Shikamaru let out an audible yawn as Aizawa showed a list of who passed or failed the written portion of the final exam. Everyone passed, but the point system that was placed, made it a tight fit as some needed to get a high grade in the practicals to fully pass the Final Exam. As for him, he managed to get a high enough grade to slack off if something goes wrong in the practical. Judging by the results... he's on the lead once more. Great. More attention.

"We passed!" Ino cheered, grabbing hold of Shikamaru and shaking him relentlessly. Shikamaru allowed this happen but had to put a stop to it when Choji joined into the mix.

"I'm going to hurl now..." Shikamaru muttered before he quickly stood up and ran towards the trashcan and puked out his breakfast. One of the many side-effects of drinking too much tea sadly. He lifted his head to see Aizawa-sensei waving at him to leave the class, he took up on his offer but he took the trashcan with him. "I'm taking this."

Ino and Choji glanced at each other, wondering if they should start to limit the amount of tea Shikamaru drinks. Sure, he's been approving mentally and physically, but last thing they need is the Nara getting motion sickness.

"Yamanaka, is everything alright with Nara?" Shoto asked the blonde, turning around in his seat to look at her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me Ino and call Shikamaru by his name." Ino huffed out, crossing her arms over her chest. She rolled her eyes at him when she saw him staring at her plainly. "He's fine. We've been putting him on a strict diet of tea and we just found one that didn't sit well with his stomach."

"I told him to not drink too much, this would happen." Choji added in. "Still, at least he's doing better. Been sleeping more, he doesn't twist or turn anymore."

Taking note of the confused looks he was receiving from several of his classmates. Mainly those that has not see the living situation the future InoShikaCho are currently living in. "Shikamaru and I share a room..."

Seeing more looks of confusion, Ino saved Choji from continuing on talking as the Akimichi started to back peddle when someone made an unruly remark. "The three of us share an apartment. They got the biggest room, but I got one just for myself."

"Hey, Blondie! If you dad is loaded, then why the fucking hell are you living next to Deku?" Katsuki gruffs out, challenging her with his snarling eyes.

"It was either living next to you, or Izuku-kun." Ino smiled kindly at him, but her smile obviously matched the other blonde's challenge. "We prefer to keep our eardrums intact."

"Hah! Considering you screech at every possible mi-" Katsuki cut himself short and looked away when he saw Ino lift her hands in front of her in a familiar symbol. Nope. He wasn't going to allow the bitch to do that again to him. He's still trying to deal with the fact he 'kissed' Deku, or was it her? Gah! Either way, it was humiliating! At least he threatened everyone involved to not speak what had happened, for everyone's sanity and ears. For now. "Fucking bitch..."

"Aww.... is the baby pouting?"



Yoshino Nara blinked at the silver tin that laid on top of her countertop, tilting her head to the side as she reread it's label several times. Her lips thinned as a realization hit her head on. "SHIKAKU! YOU DUMBASS! YOU SENT THE WRONG PACKAGE TO YOUR SON!"


Shikamaru continued to puke out the remains of his breakfast into the trash basket under the watchful eye of Recovery Girl. Apparently, from what she heard in-between breaths and taking in all the information, she asked, "What tea are you drinking again?"

Shikamaru managed to completely empty his stomach and placed the trash can on the floor. He took a small cup that continued mouthwash from Recovery Girl and rinsed his mouth with it. After spitting it out into the trashcan, the Nara pulled out a folded-up piece of paper from his person and gave it to the nurse. "All the troublesome crap I'm currently taking."

The old nurse hummed at the list, taking note at the fact Shikamaru is mainly taking herbal or natural medicines, nothing out of the norm there... Considering how the Nara's are highly known for their pharmaceutical company but still retaining their background in natural remedies. "Hm... I want you to temporarily stop drinking the tea for now. If this persists, come back."

"What a drag..." Shikamaru clutched his stomach, he felt it grumble hungeringly.

"Here. Crackers and apple juice. This should help, once you feel strong enough, you could go back if you wish."

"Thank you... could you not tell my family?" Shikamaru asked hesitantly.

"...I want you in my office if anything changes, do not drag your feet. Understood?"

"Yes, mam." Shikamaru responded he stood up from the cot he was sitting on. He grabbed an empty trashcan from the room and took it with him on the chance his stomach decided to come back at him with an utmost vengeance. "I'll keep you informed."

Shikamaru left the room with his shoulders slouched downward, all he wanted to do now if find a spot and take a long nap. But no, he still needed to take the practical portion of the Final Exam. Taking in a deep breath, he walked through the halls of U.A. to get back to Class 1-A. To bad for him, as he made way up towards the staircase, he became surrounded by second and third years.

'What a drag... I don't have time for this.'


"Why is your jacket ripped, Shikamaru?"

"What happened to your hairband?"

"You look like shit."

"...I fell down a flight of stairs."

To be continued...

Okay, this is short, but the next chapter is the practical portion of the final exam. Heheheh...

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