Chapter 7

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D/C: I own nothing.


Inoichi pinched the bride of his nose, mentally going over what he could possibly do to help Shikamaru. The kid is obviously in need of sleep, but his fear of nightmares keep him awake for the longest time possible. He can't force him either, that didn't help the young Nara the last time he tried to do that. Using his quirk on his god-son could possibly break him at this point in time.

Even so, Inoichi needs to leave the city to go back to continue with the reconstruction of the village and lead his clan

Maybe someone in the school could help him with this problem...


Shikamaru sat in the back of a black vehicle, using his dark green backpack as a pillow. Driving the car is Aizawa-sensei and some random teen with indigo hair. He didn't get his name, and at this point... he did not care. The only thing that is on his mind is sleep. Just too tired to figure anything out at this point. Allowing himself to lean against the window and close his eyes, enjoying how cold the glass window felt against his skin.

"You're still mulling over the training exercise, Toshi?"

"...I couldn't even make it half way through the course. I still need to train to keep up with the others and that includes with the capturing weapon."

"It took me six years to master it."

"How reassuring..."

Pause, brief shuffle.

"Jeez, he's been out since this morning..."


-Insert obvious eyeroll- "Sorry dad."

-Insert another just as obvious eyeroll- "Tch. Brat."

With a heavy sigh, Shikamaru lifted his head and slowly opened his eyes to see how dark it was. It was obvious it was afterhours; the streetlights are on and traffic is starting to light up. "How much longer until I get back to the apartment..."

Aizawa looked through the rearview mirror to see Shikamaru rifling through his backpack to only pull out a cellphone. A rather pricy looking one too by the looks of it... "Twenty minutes."

"Bleh..." Shikamaru scanned his phone to see multiple missed calls from his friends and family. So many of them. Letting out a sigh, he quickly called the most important number on his phone. Even if it's near the person's sleep time, Shikamaru knows they won't rest until they hear from him, himself and not from a third party.

Not even past the first ring, when Shikamaru's call was answered.

Aizawa and Hitoshi ignored the obvious yelling coming from the other side of the call that seemed to ring out through the vehicle.

"I know... I know... I'm going to talk to Uncle Inoichi abo... I know... I'm sorry.... I'm not, I'm promise.... Dad's still are work... No... it's okay, I'll talk to dad when he's not busy... It really is okay, he's..." Shikamaru paused, he took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "A busy man... Love you, mom."

Shikamaru ended the call with his mother, he reached out and rubbed the back of his neck. Of course, the old man is busy. No surprise there, maybe he'll call again in the morning. With that in mind, he must make another call.

At the third ring, the call was picked up from the other side. "...Hey... Ino called you...? I... my body gave out, I've been running on fumes... I know... I'll tell you about it later.... I know... You talked to my mom... What a drag... I know."

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