Chapter Four: Offence and Defence

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The next few days at the Racer Academy have been a buzz for Braedey and his new partners. They really got around and have had a lot of fun, but when they would drive about, they are the best of the best, but not as good as Speed and X.

For Rin, she really enjoyed learning about Cybertronian mechanics and electromechanical machinery, even taking in a lot of information regarding about it, pretty much thanks to Blaze and Braedey. She even gave Blaze's engine a tune-up, and he felt a lot better than ever before.


Rin looked around her half of the dorm room with a satisfied smile. Braedey was at lunch and since she was not hungry, she decided to decorate her half of the room.

She puts up a bunch of her favourite novels on the bookshelves, then a bunch of posters/pictures on the wall above her bed. All of the posters had to do with TV shows, games and books that she loves. She even put a red toolbox on top of the desk.

At that moment, Rin heard someone knock on the door. "Come in?" I called out. The door opened, and in stepped Lucy. "Lucy, what brings you here?" She asked.

Lucy walked in with a smile on her face. "I didn't see you at lunch or breakfast, and Braedey said you were skipping it for some reason. Just wanted to see if you were alright. I know it's hard to-"

"I really wasn't hungry for lunch. So, I decided to decorate room." Rin gestured to the wall of posters behind me and she examined them.

"Okay." Lucy nodded her head, as she sat down next to her. "How do you like the school so far?"

"I love it, better then the last one." Rin responded truthfully. "But I don't know about the twins or... the red headed girl... I can't remember her name."

"Annalise." Lucy clarified with a smile. "I would be worried if you did like her."

Rin laughed with a scoff. "I don't even know that girl."

"She doesn't like anyone, but her father and X, it seems." Lucy added in. Rin remembered the two of them making out after the race Braedey was in on his first day.

At that moment, the sound of revving engines could be heard, as the Transformer pulled up. Braedey climbed out of the car, and he saw the two girls in the dorm. "Hey, you two. What brings you here, Lucy?" He asked.

"I just came here to talk to Rin." Lucy responded.

"Okay, then." Braedey then takes more of Rin's décor and style. "Nice style for you." He commented to her.

Lucy stands up, and shakes hands with Braedey and Rin. "Well, nice to see you guys." With that, she heads off on her way.

"So, what's going on for today?" Rin asked.

"I've gotten word an obstacle course race will be up in the next half-hour." Braedey reported in. "You think you're ready for this?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Rin smiles to him. "What about Blaze?" She asked.

"He'll be one of the obstacle vehicles in the race." Braedey replied.

"Well, let's go racing!" Rin announced happily.



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