Chapter Fifteen: Total Meltdown

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After the victory of the 'Survival Race', Braedey placed the trophy on what was a shelf with some of the items he had collected, some of them being Cybertronian gadgets and devices that's once used by his enemies long ago. He smiled to himself in admiration over his victory in the race, he and Rin having done something. He then looked to Rin, who was doing some sketches, and they share a high-five together.

"Have to say, you did pretty well out there on the track, Rin." Braedey commented to Rin.

"Hey, you did just as good as well." Rin shrugged back, then saw the mail had come in. "Hey, check this out." She goes ahead and collects it, then she found a magazine with a short British male on the front cover of Racecar Magazine. "Richard 'Dickie' Ranford..."

"Who's he?" Braedey asked in confusion.

"You've never heard of Dickie Ranford? The wealthy trillionaire and CEO of Ranford Automotive, Ranford Airlines, and Ranford Cola?" Rin again asked, Braedey shaking his head in response. "Wow. Well, I guess I can't blame you, especially since you've been out and about with saving the world and whatnot." She shrugs.

"Well, that's what happens when you're someone like me." Braedey shrugged back, then held up the papers he copied from Speed. "And I'm still deciphering and analysing the papers for the Mach 6's gasless engine and what it all accumulates into."

"You're still working on that? Why?" Rin asked, sitting down next to him.

"If I can figure out what this means, we will be able to have a fully-functional gasless engine for the Mach 6, completing Speed Racer Senior's dream, and that can become the ultimate revolution of vehicular motion." Braedey answered. "It'll make companies like Zazic's fall into nothingness and cease to exist altogether."

"That's something else." Rin commented. She then saw a microscope with what looks like a bit of blue fluid in a Petri dish. "And what's this?"

"I've been working on refining Energon to work with normal internal combustion engines." Braedey stated to Rin, now showing what's on the Petri dish on screen. "For now, it's stable but I need to run a few more tests to be sure."

"Okay. Just so it doesn't blow out the engine block in one go." Rin took a guess. "That makes more sense."

"So far, I'm almost done with it. However, I'm still a long ways away from being able to finish the notes from Speed." Braedey pointed out. He then checks through them once more. "There's got to be a link that I'm not seeing here."

"Hopefully, you will figure it out." Rin gently patted his back. "By the way, the others are heading off to the cafeteria to get something. Wanna join with us?"

"Go. I'll catch up. Just gotta do some more deciphering on this and some extra schoolwork." Braedey answered to her.

"Alright. I'll try and keep Conor from eating all the food." Rin joked, she and Braedey both sharing a laugh before the former leaves.

Braedey rolled his eyes in amusement as he continued on with his work, all the while with enjoying the peace and quiet around him. He then got a message from Headmaster Spritle regarding a V.I.P race for some big-time sponsors like Shell, Pennzoil, Mercedes-AMG, Ferrari, Apple, and other big-time sponsor groups that have assisted with the construction effort of the whole Racer Academy and even supplying the cars for those to race. Braedey got to his feet and immediately heads off to the office to go and see what Headmaster Spritle wants to say, the garage closing up and locking down with security systems online.

'Wonder what Spritle wants to discuss with me about with this whole race.' Braedey thought to himself as he heads to the main school building.

Unbeknown to anyone around the garages, the silhouette of a figure could be seen skulking around the shadows of the buildings, it's green eyes skulking left and right as if it's searching for something or someone. It then disappears into the shadows as the sound of a passing vehicle could be heard.

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