Chapter Sixteen: A Halloween Race

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After the ordeal with Meltdown and the V.I.P race, the damages sustained to the cars that were corroded have been repaired and have been given a clean bill of health. However, the news about Annalise's car being melted down had spread, and most folks were either snickering at the fact she cannot race. Some would say she is out of the competition, but Anna loose could give them a dark glare and declare that she will be back on the track in no time.

On top of that, the V.I.P race was completed, though it would take time for the big-time sponsors to make up their minds and choose. Speed and X were both very confident they'd might get a chance to race with some of the big names in racing. For now, that's a long way away from now, but they know those openings will be there when they're ready.


Up at Zazic Tower, Zile was looking up at his daughter as she made her way over to his desk with a look of frustration on her face. Zile knew this was going to be about something she wants, so he prepared himself for the yelling to begin.

"Annalise, honey. What brings you here?" Zile greeted to his daughter as she stormed up.

"What brings me here? I've got a problem: my Spoiled Brat is nothing but a molten mess on the floor of my garage." Annalise complained to her father. "And it was all because of that robot shapeshifting loser."

"I see. But you know that the Spoiled Brat is a pretty specific and expensive car to build." Zile said to his daughter. "And you're not particularly fond of the rental cars that I give you-" He then got a call. "Just hold on for a second." He answers it to see it's a driver of a Zazic Industries transport truck. "What is it?"

"I've got a delivery of concept cars that were ordered to Racer Academy." The driver now explained to Zile. "There is also a few other cars that have been signed to give to Miss Annalise Zazic."

That now made Zile look curiously at this. It was as if someone has been listening to his thoughts. "Very well. Unload the car for my daughter into her garage once you're there, the other cars to my personal garage, and I'll pay you double if it's done under the hour." With that, Zile ends the video call and looks to Annalise. "Hey, my precious daughter. Daddy has some news for you. Some man has dropped off a new car for you."

"Oh, really?" Annalise looked back mockingly

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"Oh, really?" Annalise looked back mockingly. "Will it be better than the Spoiled Brat?"

"Oh, you'll have to see it to believe it." Zile answered. That made Annalise look on in curiosity about what her father had said to her. With that on her mind, she made her way out of his office to go to the garages.



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