"Ready?" He asked and I nod with a grin.

"Taka were going!"


Right after we left the theater, we went to my house first to drop me off. While walking our way to my house, Taka fell asleep on Taka's back during our walk, but we kept on talking. Yet I felt guilty for making Kamitani and Taka worried about me.

"Sorry for making you and Taka worry, I didn't mean to cry like that." I apologized feeling very guilty, but didn't mind and shook his head.

"Nah it's good. I've seen people like Taka cry multiple times in my life so I know what it's like. Let me guess, was it a nightmare?" He asked and I nod slightly.

"Yeah...I was scared to be honest. When Ryuichi and I saw Kotaro taken away from our parents. I...I thought I was going to pass out. The thought of losing Kotaro just frightens me..to the point where I couldn't breathe...." I sadly explained while glancing down at the ground. Then I felt Kamitani patting my head gently.

"Relax, it's just a dream. Everyone gets nightmares sometimes, but I know how you feel. You and Ryuichi have been taking care of Kotaro for years. It's hard I know, but I'm glad I met you and your brother." He stated. I glance up and shift my eyes to Kamitani.

"Do you ever feel like losing a sibling? Like your brother Taka for example?" I asked curiously. Kamitani stay silent and shifts his eyes away before he replied.

"...I never thought about losing Taka, but if I did..then it'll make me a bad person. Hell, I'll be angry at myself...and my mom would kill me if I lose my idiot brother." He responded which made me smiled at his response. Soon my instinct starts to kick in and I grab his hand.

"Well I guess that makes two of us then." I grinned making him blush a bit and look forward.

"...Yeah.." He replied while blushing. An hour later we arrived at my house and I let out a sigh.

"Welp guess it's time for me to go. Thanks for taking me to the movies Kamitani, I had a lot of fun." I said with a grin and he nods.

"I'm glad you said yes. Taka's even more happy when you're there." He stated and I giggled.

"Definitely. Anyway, I better get inside. See you tomorrow." I said waving goodbye as I was about to walk to the main entrance. But soon I heard Kamitani calling for me.

"Hey Aina."

"Hm? Yeah?" I turn around with a curious look. As soon as I turn my head, Kamitani gave me a warm smile.

"I'm happy that you and Ryuichi came to our school." He said and I smiled back.

"So do I." I replied with a grin. Kamitani then turn away.

"See you in school." He said as he walked off. Once I watched him leave, I turn around and head straight to the house and open the front door. Only to be greeted by a playful Saikawa.

"Enjoying your private moment with Kamitani-sama?" He asked playfully.

"Shit! Don't scare me like that! And please don't tell me you've been watching us this whole time right!" I asked anxiously.

"I would be lying if I said no." He calmly replied.

"Damnit Saikawa!" I ranted.

"What's with the ruckus out there?!" Soon I heard the chairwoman's voice booming in the room when I turn to see Morinomiya approaching us.

"Hello ma'am, I was just discussing Aina-sama about her date with Kamitani-sama." He explained.

"Okay first of all, it's not a date. Secondly, we're just hanging out in the movie theater as friends. And lastly, everything is fine and I had fun tonight." I stated with a straight face. But Saikawa wasn't done with me and leans to my ear with a smirk.

"Are you sure about that Aina-sama?" He whispered slyly making me nervous and embarrassed.

"Saikawa please drop it." I begged him with a sweatdrops forming from my forehead.

"Enough of this dilly dally, Saikawa leave Aina alone and get Kotaro out of the table from the dining hall." She ordered.

"As you wish." He obeyed and went back to the dining hall. Confused, I looked at the chairwoman with a baffled look.

"Kotaro's not in bed yet?" I asked.

"Not quite, he's still moping under there because he thinks that lemon tea will cure him quickly. But you're brother will feel better by tomorrow." She assured me.

"Alright, is he asleep right now?" I asked.

"He is, I told him to some rest for the day." She told me and I giggled and nod.

"Thanks for the info Morinomiya san."

"Most certainly, now get changed and go to bed. You don't want to be late for school." She told me and I nod.

"Yes ma'am." I then head straight to my room and changed my clothes and brush my teeth. After that, I went straight to bed and pull the blanket over me and lie down. Soon I thought about my brothers.

I hope Ryuichi gets well soon and Kotaro better be doing okay while I'm gone.

I pondered and soon Kamitani came into my mind that made me grin.

But the truth is I had fun and Taka had fun as well. It was bittersweet but in the end I had a great day.

Then I let out a sigh.

"Well back to sleep." I said as I turn off the lights and fell into a deep slumber preparing for the next day. I'm so happy that Ryuichi and Kotaro are my brothers. If not, I wouldn't be here. Mom, dad, if you're here, you don't have to worry about us. Because we're going to be fine with our new home with our new friends in our side.

The Kashima Sister(Gakuen Babysitter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now