Start from the beginning

The Child of Athena’s final stand.

Destroy with a hero’s final breath,

And lose a love to worse than death.”

Annabeth said and I remembered Quintus and King Midas. I also remembered Nico and how bad he hated me then; because he thought that Bianca’s death was my fault. I still think he was right in part; I blamed myself too for a time.

“I like the one Mars gave Frank, Hazel and me before we went to Alaska” I told her remembering the three lines of the prophecy.

“Mars? Wow, that’s new. I want to hear that” Annabeth told me putting her right hand holding her chin and looked at me waiting for me to talk.

Before I talked, I cleared my throat and copied Mars’ voice.

Go to Alaska,

Find Thanatos and free him.

Come back by sundown on June twenty-fourth or die”

After I said that, Annabeth began laughing.

“Potter catch the snitch ladies and gentlemen! Potter’s got the snitch!” the narrator said.

All Gryffindors and some Ravenclaws began to cheer and to scream. They were euphoric. We began clapping too. The ones who most cheered among the demigods were Jason and Leo, they were really happy. They were singing ‘Gryffindor’s the king, we will always win’ along with the wizards.

We went to the Great Hall for dinner and sat on the usual place. I took Annabeth’s hand. We sat together and began eating. The elves really put effort on the food today; they even made Hamburgers and French fries for us, Americans.

 After like twenty minutes, Reyna, Malfoy and Ákos entered the Great Hall and went to a room next to where everyone was eating. Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall flew open and a man entered, he was tall, maybe 5.8 feet tall.

“McGonagall!” the man called.

“What do you want Mulciber? How did you enter this castle?” Minerva McGonagall asked.

“It doesn’t matter how I entered, it matters with whom I’ll go! Just give me Dolohov’s child and I’ll leave you alone; no one else shall be hurt if you just give me what I want”

“I don’t know what are you talking about. There is no student here with that last name”

“Well then, if you don’t tell me who the Dolohov kid is; I’ll have to guess who the poor devil is” he walked between the tables of Slytherin and Ravenclaw, “It should be a Slytherin, obviously. Is it you?” he pointed at random kids at the Slytherin table.

“Who you are looking for is not in this castle, go away now, Mulciber!” McGonagall shouted, she was pissed, like, really pissed.

“Minerva, Minerva, Minerva. Voldemort might not be here anymore, but there are stronger forces than you and your little group of demigods” Mulciber said. Now both, professor and Death Eater were face to face, holding wands.

“We are going to defeat you and your little gang, Mulciber” a voice said from Gryffindor table, then I saw who was the voice owner. Ginny Weasley.

“Who do we have here? You are Arthur Weasley’s daughter aren’t you?” Mulciber walked towards Ginny.

“We defeated Death Eaters once, we can do it twice or three times to be necessary! And we’ve got something you don’t have, Mulciber; we have something to fight for” Ginny said, without showing any fear nor in her voice or in her body language.

“Let’s see if you talk that much after this-“ he said, then, he raised his wand, “Crucio!” he shouted the unforgivable curse as if he had done it millions of times before.

Protego Totalum!” Someone shouted just before the curse hit Ginny; the cursed had no effect on her, it bounced to the wall.

Both, Ginny and Mulciber looked stunned, we all looked who casted the spell that saved Ron’s sister. And there he was, a boy from Dumstrang, he had brown hair and honey eyes.

“Who are you?”Mulciber asked very mad.

“My name is Alexander Edvárd” so, the guy who saved the redhead girl.

“Well, Alexander Edvárd, you will regret this! Sectumsempra!” After he said that, a dozen cuts appeared in Alexander’s body, it started bleeding a lot.

“Orbis!” after a girl said that, Mulciber disappeared in a little whirlwind.

We all looked at the girl who casted that spell. I saw a very pissed Isabella with a wand in her hand.

“Remember me not to get into her bad side, okay?” I told Annabeth.

“Percy! This is serious! We’ve gotta help. You’re such a Seaweed Brain!” Annabeth punched my right arm.

“Okay, okay. Let’s help” I put up my hands in surrender and walked towards Isabella, who was next to bleeding Alexander.

Professor McGonagall ran to the little room where Reyna, Malfoy and Ákos were. We were trying for the bleeding to stop but it wouldn’t, it just kept bleeding. Ákos came running and kneeled next to his brother, he was crying and pleading him not to leave him alone, not to do this to him, to his parents and to his sister, he also said ‘remember Madie, she’s waiting for you buddy!’

Reyna and Malfoy arrived and we explained what happened, Malfoy looked as if he was remembering something, then he took out his wand and pointed at Alexander.

“What are you doing Malfoy?” Harry asked him pointing his own wand at him.

“I just want to help, Potter, low that wand” he said. Harry lowered his wand a little, and then Malfoy muttered a spell, “Vulnera Sanentum”

He muttered the spell a couple more times and the wounds began to close themselves. Madam Pompfrey took Alexander to Hospital Wing and Ákos went with them. 

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