Chapter 6

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Chapter 6;

Aidan's POV:
I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, then looked down to see Y/N sleeping on the floor, leaning up against the couch. I sat up confused about how I got here, until I remembered that I came to get my phone. She must of taken it from me at the party so I wouldn't lose it.

I looked at my arm to see that I no longer had my sweatshirt on, and that my cuts were now stitched up. For some reason this made me panic. Y/N obviously knows about them now. What if she know's that I did this to myself ? I stood up quickly only to feel a wave of dizziness wash over me again, causing me to sit back down.

Your POV:
"Y/N ?" I heard someone say quietly, causing me to wake up. I looked up to see that Aidan was finally awake. I quickly got up and sat next to him.

"How are you feeling ?" I asked concerned about him.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy, and tired." he said looking at me.

"I'll get you a bottle of water, that usually help's." I said getting up and making my way over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and grabbed a bottle of water, then made my way back over to the couch, sitting back down.

"Here." I said as I handed the water bottle to him. He took a sip of water and then handed the bottle back to me.

"Thank's." he said as he leaned against me.

"Aidan ?" I asked hoping he wasn't too tired to talk some more.

"Yeah ?" he mumbled, clearly tired.

"What happened to your arm ?" I questioned, hoping the question wouldn't upset him. I know what happened, I was just curious if he would actually tell me or not. I wanted to know if he trusted me.

He hesitated for a second before replying "I happened.".

I had known that he probably hurt himself. I just didn't want to believe it. I went to ask him why he did it, but I stopped myself. I shouldn't force him to talk to me. I should just let him know I care.

"You know there's better way's to handle stuff like that Aidan, like I told you before and I'll tell you again, I'm alway's around if you need someone to talk to." I said.

"Thank's Y/N, I'll keep that in mind." he replied, making me smile.

Aidan's POV:
I thought she was going to attack me with questions about why I did what I did. After all that's what everyone always does. I sighed in relief when instead she just let me know that she was always there to talk.

"If you ever get upset about anything, I don't care how dumb it is, just call me okay ? don't do anything stupid." she said.

I smiled to myself and thanked her, closing my eyes. I don't exactly know what I've been feeling lately but it scares me. Y/N made me feel like I was worth something. She made me feel loved, which is something I haven't felt in a long time. Even if I didn't deserve it, it was still nice to know that someone cared.

My mind was currently flooded with all kind's of thought's and feeling's. Do I actually love Y/N, or am I just in love with the feeling of being cared about ?  I didn't have much time to think this over, as I quickly fell asleep.

[Time Skip: The next morning around 10am.]

Your POV:
The doorbell rang so I got up off the couch, and walked over to the door to open it. Aidan had texted one of his parent's over an hour ago asking them to pick him up, so I was wondering why it took so long for them to get here. I opened the door expecting his mom, only to see a different girl instead. She was older, but definitely not old enough to be his mom.

"Hi, I'm Aidan's sister, our mom asked me to pick him up." she smiled at me.

I turned around and looked over to where Aidan was "Uh Aidan, your sister's here." I said confused. I really didn't understand why she was here if he texted his parents. He looked up, obviously confused too, grabbing his phone and walking over to the door. He stood next to me.

"Where's mom ?" he asked, seeming genuinely annoyed.

"She couldn't come, that's why she sent me." she replied.

"Okay, but I texted mom, not you." he said rolling his eye's. Why he was getting so annoyed over this ?

"I really don't wanna start a fight over this Aidan, she couldn't come, and that's why I'm here." she said staying calm.

"She doesn't care about me at all ! She can't even do something as simple as pick me up. It's the same way with dad too !" he snapped at her.

"Mom cares about you so much ! So much more than you know, and I'm sure I could say that same thing about dad too." she replied, getting more frustrated.

"Do you think they really care ? Do you think they care if I'm drunk, or if I'm laying dead somewhere, do you think mom would care at all ?" he said. I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Stop saying that Aidan ! Your mom does care about you !" she yelled on the verge of crying.

"How ? How would you know what mom cares about !" he questioned, clearly still angry.

"Because, because, I'm your mom Aidan !" she blurted out.

[Author's note: Can we talk about that plot twist though ? Tea ☕️ Damn someone need's to give Aidan a break. Thank you for 2k reads]

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