Chapter 15

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Chapter 15;

Your POV:

I was thrown outside, tripping over my own feet onto the ground below.

"Stay out, or we won't be so nice next time." one of the nurses sneered at me.

I tasted blood in my mouth. I'm guessing from the impact of my face hitting the ground. I rubbed my hand over my mouth, and sat up.

Why was this happening to me ? Could I ever catch a break with anything ?

"You getting thrown out was the highlight of my whole night, finally something entertaining at this damn hospital." someone chuckled causing me to look up.

I rolled my eyes when I realised it was Hayden standing next to me.

"Can you ever shut your mouth Hayden ? Go find someone else to annoy." I sighed, not even bothering to stand up.

I was so emotionally drained from all the previous events that took place, I didn't see the point in anything anymore.

"Damn, not very nice." he sat down on the ground next to me. "I can't say I don't deserve it though, I was quite the asshole earlier." he sighed.

"You think ? I wonder what helped you reach that conclusion." I snapped, overall just annoyed at his presence.

"Listen Y/N, I know you're mad, not only at me but a lot of people right now and that's fine. I just wanted to apologise because what I said was out of line. I was really mad in the moment and not thinking straight. I wanted to take my anger out on someone and you just seemed like the only option in the moment. Trust me, I didn't mean anything I said really." he looked at me.

I felt tears stinging my eyes, but I wasn't gonna let myself cry. The last thing I wanted was for Hayden to think I was crying over him, and that's because he wasn't the person making me feel this way at all. His word's only brought back the painful memories of all the events before this big mess took place.

I thought back to Hayden's words just hours earlier.

"When you have this genuine feeling that you get from somebody, and you make that person your source of happiness, they become your drug. You know what I'm saying ? I really do think that you became Aidan's drug, and I don't really think that's what's best for him.".

"Y/N.... you don't have to like me, you don't have to respect me, damn you don't even have to look at me if you don't want ! Could you at least acknowledge what I'm saying ?" he said in frustration.

"I don't know why you're trying to be nice to me Hayden. I fucked Aidan up, I know, I got the message loud and clear. You don't need to apologise for that." I finally stood up from where Hayden was sitting on the ground next to me. He did the same as me, standing up, facing me.

"I didn't mean that and you know it. He was fucked up long before you met him-" Hayden started to say before I cut him off by slapping him in the face.

"Don't talk about him like that." I yelled at him.

The slap has taken Hayden by surprise, but he hardly even acknowledged it before he continued speaking.

"Can you let me finish ? I meant that you didn't do anything to affect him in a negative way. Lot's of people did, his mom did, his grandparents did, his friends, hell even I did ! But never you. If anything. you were the only source of happiness in his life." He sat back down allowing his head to sink into his hands.

"You know I was actually jealous of him and you at one point. Jealous of how happy you made him. He never stopped talking about you Y/N. He could be in the worst mood ever and just lighten up at the mere mention of your name. You were so good for him, so good."

I'm a MESS [Aidan gallagher X reader] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu