Chapter 3

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[WARNING: self-harm]

Chapter 3;

Your POV:
I woke up to the sound of thunder outside. I sat up quickly forgetting where I was for a second until I remembered I was in Aidan's room. It wasn't till then that I noticed Aidan was no longer next to me. I got out of bed and looked at the time. The clock read 9:27am. I assumed Aidan was somewhere in the house since it was clearly about to rain soon, so I doubt he would walk somewhere. His family definitely wasn't home yet either by the looks of it.

I decided to go look for him and see how he was. I left his room and walked down the hallway. I walked passed the bathroom but stopped, because I swear I heard the sound of someone crying. At first I questioned if it was actually Aidan, but who else would it be, no one else was in the house. He obviously wasn't drunk anymore though, so why would he be crying ? Maybe the hang over was hitting him hard or something. I lightly knocked on the door.

"Aidan ? Are you okay ?" I asked. I guess he didn't expect me to be awake, because it took a second for him to respond.

"Uh... yeah i'm fine. I'll be out in a second" he replied as I heard him turn on the sink. I walked back over to his room and sat down on his bed, waiting for him to get out. After about 5 minutes he finally entered his room. He wasn't facing me as he walked over to his closet, putting on a sweatshirt and then finally turning around.

"Thank's for taking me home last night, you can go now." he said looking at the floor and not making eye contact with me.

"Are you okay though ?" I questioned. He didn't sound okay. I could hear a bit of pain in his voice, even if he was trying to hide it.

"I'm perfectly fine." he replied finally looking up and making eye contact with me. The funny thing about the word fine is that it means you're okay, but half the times people use it they mean the complete opposite.

"You don't sound fine." I said standing up. He replied almost instantly repeating himself again "I'm fine Y/N".

"I'm serious Aidan, you were crying last night and then when I wake up this morning, the first thing I find you doing is crying. I know you're not fine. You know you can talk to me right ?". He definitely wasn't okay, and even if I couldn't fix whatever was bothering him, the least I could do was talk with him about it.

"No Y/N, I'm not lying I'm actually fine. Leave now." he said clearly getting annoyed.

"Why are you getting so mad ? I'm only offering to be here for you and help you. I know I might not be able to help you with whatever's bothering you, but I'm still here for you." I sighed, hoping he would understand that I don't mean any harm.

"I don't wanna talk to you ! I don't like you, I don't want you here, please just leave !" he snapped, again making sure to avoid eye contact with me. I was a little taken aback but I shook my head "okay" and picked up my bag.

"Y/N" I heard him sigh as I walked out of his room and down the stairs. He made it really clear he didn't want me here, so why should I stay any longer to just annoy him some more. I walked outside looking up at the sky, it was definitely gonna start raining soon. I started my walk home, hoping to make it home before the storm.

Aidan's POV:
I watched as Y/N left my house, then sat down on my bed. I felt absolutely horrible about how I acted towards her, but it's for the best. It's not that I wanna push everything good out of my life, it's that I have to, I don't deserve to have such a good person around me. I pulled down my sweatshirt sleeve to look at the cut's I had just made before in the bathroom. They weren't that deep but they were still stinging. I pulled the sleeve back up. Luckily I had something else on my mind, so the cut's were the last thing I was thinking about. The only thing on my mind was Y/N, but after was just happened, thinking about her hurt just as bad.

Your POV:
When I was only about one minute from home, it starting raining hard, just my luck. When I got home, I ran inside, so happy to finally get out of the rain. I looked over at the kitchen to see my mom cooking, I never told her about staying out last night. She looked up at me, and I could tell she was mad, maybe it was because I was standing soaking wet in the living room, or maybe because I never texted her, or maybe both. It was probably both.

"Where were you last night Y/N ! Do you even know how nervous your dad and I were ? You didn't even bother to pick up the phone !" she yelled.

"I know mom, I'm sorry. I decided to go over a friend's house and it was getting really late so I decided to stay there for the night. I thought it was the safe thing to do, especially since my phone was dead." I responded staying calm. Hopefully that was a good enough answer.

"Oh okay, just make sure to call me from someone else's phone next time to let me know. Also, go change out of those clothes, you're getting water everywhere." she said going back to cooking.

"Got it" I said as I ran upstairs grabbing a towel and going to my room. I changed out of my clothes, drying off, and then putting on a t-shirt and sweatpants. I put my hair up in a bun, then went over to my bag which I had on the floor. Luckily, I don't think too much water got inside the bag. I opened it taking out a couple thing's, then pulling out my phone. It was fine so I put it down, taking the rest of the stuff out, until I saw another phone. I picked it up confused, turning it on, and that's when I realized, I still had Aidan's phone.

[Author's note: Wow, me uploading two day's in a row ? What a shocker. This took a while to write but i'm happy to get out a chapter with 1000+ word's like I promised ! Thank you so much if you're still reading the story. It mean's a lot to me to hear some of you guy's like it. Next chapter coming soon !]

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