Chapter 16

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Chapter 16;

Your POV:

I walked through the dimly lit streets and towards my house. I kept thinking about what Hayden had said to me.

"Bring a car"

Where the hell am I gonna get a car ? Sure I can drive, but I only have once or twice. Every since I first started driving and crashed into my neighbour's parked car while backing out the the driveway, I've been too nervous to drive. I'm sure it sounds stupid but I'm just paranoid.

Of course I could always ask Maddie to use her car, but do I really wanna get her involved in this ? Everything was already such a mess, the last thing I wanted to do is get her mixed into it.

Hayden and I would already be committing a crime, breaking a patient out of a hospital. No matter how horrible his mother is, there would be no excuse when it comes to the law for what we are doing.

It really makes me mad to even think about. How the system overlooks so many things. You think they would learn how to do their job right.

I continued to brainstorm the different ways I could get a car, when it finally came to my mind. My dad alway's leaves his spare car keys hanging in the kitchen, I could just borrow his car.

I'm already gonna be in enough trouble with my parents the next time they see me, for being out all night with no explanation, so it's not like I have anything to lose.

I don't even know when I'm gonna be coming back to my house after tonight. Hayden told me absolutely nothing about his plan, but I'm positive it doesn't involve going back home.

When I arrived at my house. I quietly unlocked the door, stepping inside. I looked over at the couch, to see my father fast asleep on it. I'm assuming he was staying up waiting for me. I sighed, looking at him for a few moments.

In that moment, I decided that I had to leave a note. I couldn't do that to my parents. Just disappear, no note, no nothing.

Of course I wouldn't tell them where I was going, or what I was actually doing, but I needed to do something to put their mind at ease, although I doubt it would.

I stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a post it note and a pen, and started to write.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Sorry I didn't get a chance to speak with you. I came home and you guy's were asleep, so I didn't want to disturb you. Maddie has been going through very very very tough times recently. She really needs someone to be there for her. Throughout my life she has always been there for me, so I feel it's time for me to repay her. I'm going to be staying at her grandmothers house with her, just to help out with a few things for a while. Don't worry ! I will be safe and healthy at all time's. Please don't come looking for me or anything, and allow me a little independence. I've never given you a reason to not trust me, so I hope you can trust me now. I will see you both soon.

- With love, Y/N

I placed the pen down, sighing, reading the letter over in my head. To be honest, no excuse I could come up with would be good enough, but both my parents are very fond of Maddie, so this is the best I could do.

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