Chapter 12

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Chapter 12;

Your POV:
I was sleeping in the hallway, leaning against the wall, when I suddenly woke up. I picked up my phone to look at the time. How the hell was it 3am ? Was I really sleeping for that long ? I got up and made my way into the waiting room. I had spent enough time waiting, I didn't wanna wait anymore.

I looked over to where Hayden was previously sitting, and saw him fast asleep. This was good on my part, because it helped save me from one more problem. I walked over to the lady at the front desk. Even if she didn't have any information it was worth a shot. I was tired of worrying about this.

"Hey, do you happen to have any information on how my friend is doing ?" I question and then gave her his name.

She pulled out a file and looked it over.

"Yeah we have updated information but I really can't disclosed that with anyone but his legal guardians." she said as she put the file away.

"Can you at least just tell me if he's gonna be okay ? I'm not asking you to tell me all his medical information." I sighed aggravated that I've been here for so long and I still know nothing.

"Listen kid, he's stable, he's fine. The only thing they are worried about is the time where there wasn't any oxygen getting to his brain. Now please either go home or sit down." she said annoyed, then went back to the paperwork she was doing.

I wanted to go see Aidan, but I knew there was no way I would get past the front desk, unless I lied about it. I started walking to the door when the nurse looked over to me.

"Where are you going ?" she asked, not taking her eyes off me.

"To the bathroom." I said confident with my answer.

"There's one in the left wing hallway, away from the patients." she stated.

"Uh, that one's out of toilet paper." I responded.

"You have 5 minutes." she rolled her eyes before looking back down.

I walked through the hallways of the right wing looking until I finally found the room. I checked the door and it was unlocked, so I looked around real quick to make sure no one would see me, before going inside.

I quietly pulled a chair over by the bed and sat down. I looked at him and saw his chest slowly rising and falling. It made me feel so much better to actually see him breathing.

I wondered why his mom hadn't come to see him yet, or his grandparents. Didn't they know he was in here ? One of them had to know, the hospital had to have contacted a legal guardian in order to admit him here. Who the hell can sleep at night knowing that their kid is in the hospital ? That just shows how much they care.

I glanced at my phone, to see the 5 minutes had already passed. I didn't wanna leave though, I wanted to stay here, by his side, where I should of been all along. There probably wasn't a big chance the lady at the front desk would notice that I never came back. She was far too busy with that paper work, and she could of just assumed I left. It didn't take very long for me to decide that I was definitely gonna stay.

[Skip to 15 minutes later]

Your POV continued:
I heard the door open, jerking me awake. I must of dozed off real quick from the lack of sleep.

"What are you doing here ? No one's allowed in here, it's 3am." said the nurse, and I could tell she was angry.

"3am ? Oh shit, I'm sorry I thought it was 3pm !" I said trying to laugh it off.

She didn't buy it though because she kept her same straight face while stating "Get out.".

"I honestly don't see the point on why no one can be in here. I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm not touching anything or messing with anything, I'm just sitting here and minding my own business." I said in my defence.

"It doesn't matter what you're doing, his legal guardian requested that no one come in here. They also made it very clear to keep one girl out, a girl who's description matches up pretty damn well with yours. So I'll say it once more, get out or I'm calling security." she snapped.

"Yeah okay, call them and tell them what ? That I was sitting in a chair. Take me away officers, I know that's such a horrible crime." I said sarcastically, probably because I was tired and annoyed, and those two thing's don't mix well together.

"Get out now!" she yelled, raising her voice to try and intimidate me. That's when I looked over at Aidan and noticed that us fighting had caused him to wake up.

"Aidan !" I said happily as I ran back over to the bed.

The nurse shook her head at me as she walked over too. I glanced at her at she had a look on her face. A look I didn't like. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's the look someone get's when they know something but don't wanna tell you.

Aidan looked at me, then at the nurse, then back at me.

"Where am I ?" he asked.

I figured he was just confused so I went to answer before the nurse cut me off.

"You're in the hospital from a drug overdose, you're lucky you even survived. Most people don't make it. If your friends hadn't found you, there's no way you would be alive right now. You should be very thankful.".

He nodded his head, taking in the information before looking back at me.

"You should go now, for real." quickly said the nurse, looking at me nervously.

"Wait, I have one more question." said Aidan, still looking at me. I didn't really understand why he was looking at me so much. Was there something on my face or something ?

Still looking at me, he hesitated for a second, before asking "Who are you ?".

[Author's Note]
I need to be more on top of my game with writing haha. I finally got some more ideas now so I was able to take some time to write this. Only two more week's till summer and then I don't have to worry about all my schoolwork on top of this. Thank you to anyone who's still reading this.

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