Chapter 10

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Chapter 10;

Your POV:
"You're joking right ?" I said concerned.

"Why would I be joking ?" he replied as he stopped laughing.

"I basically told him to fuck off and get out of my life because I though he was playing me ! No wonder he looked so confused, he actually had no idea why I was being such a bitch !" I yelled at him.

"Oh.... oops." said Hayden as he bit his lip.

He stayed quite for a couple seconds, almost like he was thinking something over before talking again.

"You didn't tell him to go die or anything right ?" he questioned.

"What ? No ! I would never tell anyone that, regardless of what they did." I replied, annoyed that he thought I would say something like that.

"Did you say anything even remotely close to that ?" he questioned.

I thought about his question for a second. Did I say anything close to that ? I don't think so. I tried recalling our conversation, and once I finally did, my heart dropped again.

"He did ask me if I wanted him to go away forever, he said he would if I wanted him to. I asked him to prove it, you don't think he would take that as me asking him to kill himself, do you ?" I said, starting to panic a bit.

"He would do anything for someone he cares about, and if that's what he got from your statement, I can't sit here and tell you that he hasn't or isn't going to kill himself." he said, basically confirming my fear.

Maddie walked over to the table, pulling up another chair and sitting down. She put down the drinks and looked at me.

"Y/N are you okay ? What's happening ?" she said confused and totally lost.

"No time to explain." I said then quickly and then looked back at Hayden.

"Where can I find him ?" I asked hoping Hayden would know.

"Finding him would be like finding a needle in a haystack, I would be taking a random guess if I gave you a location." he replied.

"I don't care ! Name a place !" I said getting aggravated.

"Uh... well since he's not with me I would guess that the next person he would probably go to would be Bryce. Gosh I hate that kid, he's such a crackhead." he said rolling his eyes.

"Again, I don't care if he's your worst enemy ! Can you take me there ?" I said, yelling at him.

"Damn, okay... it's a waste off gas going to that idiots house, but I'll do it for you" he replied getting up and walking outside.

I got up and looked at Maddie.

"I'm so so so so sorry for ditching you, I promise I'll make it up to you." I said quickly.

"It's okay, I owe you one for ditching you at the party." she said as she smiled. This is why I love Maddie.

"Thank you." I said smiling back as I ran out of the coffee shop and over to Hayden.

We both got in his car and he started to drive. I tried to stay calm, but I couldn't help but think of the worst possible scenario.

"What if he's not there ? What if he's dead ?" I said panicking.

"Would you calm down already ? Gosh. You freaking out is making me nervous, and I don't drive good when I'm nervous." he said while keeping his focus on the road.

After about a 5 minute drive, we pulled up at a house. There was a line of cars parked along the street and music blasting from inside the house.

"This douchebag is throwing a party ? Who the hell throws a party in the morning !" he said annoyed.

"That's your biggest concern right now Hayden ?" I snapped as I got out of the car.

I walked inside with Hayden following me not too far behind. The very second I walked into the house I was hit with the scent of marijuana and mango juul pods. I said it once and I'll say it again, I really fucking hate high school party's.

"I doubt you'll have any luck finding him here, it's so crowded, plus you'll have to look for him by yourself. I doubt you would be able to ask anyone here where he is. They are probably  all either high or drunk out of their minds." Hayden yelled trying to make sure I could hear him over the loud music.

I looked around downstairs for what seemed like forever, I even checked the backyard, but there was still no sign of Aidan anywhere. I went back inside to see if Hayden had found him. I went over to Hayden but he had the same luck as me, he couldn't find aidan anywhere.

"Did you look upstairs ?" Hayden yelled over the loud music.

"No, not yet, should I ?" I yelled back.

"It's worth a shot, what do you have to lose ?" he yelled in response.

I quickly made my way upstairs pushing through the crowds of people. Once I got upstairs I started looking through every room. I was just about to give up until I opened the door to the last bedroom, finally seeing Aidan.

"Aidan ?" I yelled still having to fight to talk over the blasting music from downstairs.

I ran over to him and that's when I finally got a full view of him. He was laying there, a needle in his arm, and worst of all, he wasn't breathing.

[Author's Note: Wow I'm proud of myself, I usually wait a while to upload in between chapters but this time I got another chapter up quick. I had some free time to write today and I really wanted to get this chapter up.]

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