Part 16: Brunswick Farm

Start from the beginning

Me and Maple stood up and followed everyone as they started walking down the trail. "You're one sixteen year old boy YN. You shouldn't expect to have all the answers to help her" Maple said softly

I looked at her and nodded slightly as Ruby slowed down so she could walk beside me as she slid her hand into mine. I interlocked our fingers tightly and kept her close as we walked down the trail

Autumn's POV
We flew back to Salem's castle as my leg bounced nervously. How do I tell her that our prime Summer Maiden vessel is dead. Not just dead but she's been dead for years. That dead beat and his little shit couldn't even keep her alive. I rested my elbows on my legs and covered my face, sighing into my hands as we landed. Me, Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury all stepped off as we looked a few feet forward and saw Tyrian. Out of everyone besides Salem, I wanted to see him the least right now. He laughed looking at us "Welcome Back. Welcome Back! I do hope you missed us as much as we missed you" Tyrian bowed

"Let's go" Hazel said as we all walked past Tyrian

"Speaking of which, Where is our Fall Maiden?" Tyrian asked as Emerald stopped

I looked at Emerald as Tyrian gasped and giggled "Emerald, come on" Mercury said

"don't tell me something happened to her?" Tyrian said in a mocking voice before laughing

Emerald turned and drew her guns "I will cut off more than just your tail" She said angrily

Tyrian laughed and started walking towards her "Careful, little girl. Cinder isn't here to protect you anymore" Tyrian leaned close to Emerald running his cheek against one of her blades, drawing blood

I placed a hand on his stomach pushing him away from Emerald as I shot Tyrian a glare. He giggled "OOOooohh~ Why the look Autumn. Don't tell me you really care about Cinder or Emerald" He giggles looking at me

"I care about my associates not fighting. And not dying" I growled towards him

He sighed playfully "oh do not misunderstand. I am in mourning as well. Because it seems you've failed our Queen, and that is a tragedy" Tyrian said as he started laughing maniacally

We all turned walking away quickly. I looked towards Emerald as she looked mortified. I rubbed her shoulder softly as we walked. Hazel opened the doors as Salem looked at us "Oh, you 5... 4 have returned. Where is Cinder?" Salem asked taking a seat in her chair

Watts was already in the room and Tyrian walked in after us taking his seat. We all knelt before Salem "Cinder was defeated" Hazel said

"Killed? Or just defeated?" Salem asked

"We... don't know. She went down to the vault at Haven with Raven and the Spring Maiden and she didn't come back up" Hazel explained

Salem sighed and clapped her hands together looking at us "So I would like you to explain to me how you all managed to fail so spectacularly?" She asked

"The Faunus militia split our forces-" Hazel started

"Stop" Salem said as we gulped nervously looking at each other "let me rephrase the question. Who is responsible for your defeat?" Salem asked

Hazel looked at Emerald then looked at me as he stood up "I take full responsibility"

Salem suddenly threw the table to the side suddenly"But that wouldn't be fair now, would it?! We all know who is to blame" Salem said walking towards us as we all became more and more scared

"I don't-" Hazel started as Salem created a magical circle under him with Grimm arms coming up from it to grab him and pull him down to his knees

Everyone else, me included stepped away in fear. Salem walked up to Hazel then turned and looked to Emerald "Emerald. I want you to tell me who's fault it was" Salem walked closer as Emeralds breathing became heavier "Now"

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