Part 16: Brunswick Farm

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The scene faded with blue smoke turning back to the snowfield as I was on top of Oscar from when I had tackled Ozpin. He was looking to the side in sadness as I got off him and stood beside Ruby again and Ozpin sat up looking down

"Salem can't be killed. You all heard her too right?" Yang said aggravated

We all stood in a semi-circle in front of Ozpin as he sat on his knees.

"I-" Ozpin started while looking up at us before Yang immediately interrupted him

"There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay!?" Yang said angrily though her eyes thankfully hadn't turned red yet

"Professor" Ruby said as we all turned to her "What is your plan for defeating Salem?" She asked the question on all our minds

Ozpin struggled to find his words before looking down ashamed "I... Don't have one"

We all had different reactions but Qrow's was the most violent. He reeled back and punched Oscar in the face sending him into a tree with a wood creaking sound. Qrow walked up to him "No one wanted me. I was cursed. I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good"

"But you are" Ozpin said as he started to cry

"Meeting you was the worst luck of my life" Qrow said looking away

Ozpin stewed on Qrow's words for a few seconds "Maybe you're right" He said softly before relenting control back to Oscar

Oscar hissed in pain and held his cheek "What happened?" Ruby asked

"He's gone" Oscar said looking up at her

"That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!" Yang yelled

"No. This is different. He's gone. It's like he's locked himself deep inside my head. Our head? I hate this. I just want it to stop" Oscar grunted clutching his head

"He just left us?" Weiss said

"What are we gonna do now?" Blake asked

Yang growled "Enough!" Maria yelled

"We need to get a move on. It'll be dark before we know it, and every one of you is spewing negativity!" Maria explained walking up to Oscar to help him up "There's a trail over there. Trails usually lead somewhere" Maria said pointing off into the distance

"Lady, I don't know who you think you are but-" Yang was interrupted by Maria

"No buts!" Maria slammed her cane into the snow "I understand that you're all upset. Honestly I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanities second time around. But if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I lived this long just to die out here in the cold!" Maria explained

There were a few moments of silence "She's right. Come on" Ruby said as we all went to collect our things

I walked over to my bag and sighed crouching down "You ok?" Maple asked crouching beside me "You were pretty quiet"

"You weren't exactly talkative either" I said colder than I meant it to be

"What I mean is, you're usually there to throw your two cents into the conversation. So why not now?" She asked

I sighed and rubbed my face as I started repacking my bag "Because half the reason I am her is so that Ruby is doing okay. Which is stupid, I know she can handle herself but. She's one sixteen year old girl. You may not notice it but I've spend enough time with her to notice" I turned looking at Ruby as she walked away from Oscar to repack her things "She thinks she needs to balance all the teams problems on her shoulders because she's the leader. That weight was already heavy before we learnt we can't kill Salem... She doesn't know how we can win, and the reason I've been so quiet. Is because I don't know how to make her feel better" I sighed

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