Part 11: The Next Steps

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Me and Ruby were laying on the roof of the house looking up at a few birds. It was calm, and peaceful. It felt nice to just have quiet time with Ruby. We've been spending a few days together like when we hung out with my dad and when we went on the date but we haven't had much quiet alone time. This combined with everyone meeting up again really was reminding me of old times. And how easy everything was back then. We watched the birds fly by "You're up early" Yang said looking down at us

"Hey Sis" Ruby said softly with a smile

"Boop~" Yang said letting her hair down to tickle Ruby's face as Ruby laughed

I giggled watching them as we both sat up and Yang sat on the other side of Ruby "What are you doing up?" Ruby asked

"Can't fall back asleep" Yang responded simply

"Yeah, me neither" Ruby smiled

Yang chuckled "So could you not sleep either or did Ruby just drag you here with her?" Yang joked looking at me

I chuckled "No, I was having trouble too. Mostly because Ruby kept moving in her sleep" I smiled bumping her shoulder with mine as she chuckled shyly

"Well fortunately for you three, Coffee exists" Weiss said as we turned to look at her carrying a tray of 5 cups of coffee with Maple beside her

Weiss walked by giving us each a cup of coffee "No, please" Ruby said shrinking away from Weiss as I tilt my head

"Don't worry I put in blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar just for you" Weiss smiled handing her the cup as I laughed

"Oh Yeah! Nice Weiss Strikes again" Ruby cheered as Weiss took the cup away

"I will pour this on you and it will burn" Weiss said as Ruby chuckled nervously while I just laughed again

Maple sat beside me as Weiss sat beside Yang "I can't believe we're actually in Mystral" Yang said

"That's what you can't believe?" Ruby said

"Being here is by far the least shocking thing that has happened to us this week" I looked at Yang

"Well yeah, I also can't believe all the magic and other stuff but,... You know what I mean" Yang said

"I honestly wasn't sure if I'd see you four again" Weiss said

"Awww~ Weiss I knew you cared" I teased as she raised her cup of coffee to me threateningly

I chuckled nervously as she sighed and went back to drinking her coffee "I take it back. I only missed three of you" She said smiling as we shared a laugh

"Well hears to defying expectations" Yang said as we clinked our mugs together, except for Ruby who was chugging her coffee

Ruby looked at her cup sad "I just wish Blake could be here with us" She said

"Yeah, well she made her choice" Yang said rather coldly coming from the Yang I remember

"What's that supposed to mean?" Weiss said looking at Yang

"I mean she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal though, We'll be fine" Yang rolled her eyes

"Don't you want her here?" Ruby asked

"Why would I want her here?" Yang asked turning to Ruby

"Are you... Still mad at her for leaving?" Yang asked

"Oh, whatever gave you that idea Ruby? No I'm totally fine, I'm great" Yang said getting angrier

"Ok, calm down-" Weiss said but was interrupted by Yang

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