Scene 8 - Eden club

Start from the beginning


No sign of cardiac event 

Heart attack not cause of death



Signs of strangulation 

Cause of death: Asphyxiation 




Height: 6'2" - Weight: 192.4lbs

Estimated time of death: 06:24pm 

🔲          RECONSTRUCT

The victim was attacked by a blue haired Traci model.




Perhaps the android in the corner saw where the this deviant went. I'll have to reprogram it. Even if it is for only a short amount of time.

I explained the situation to the Lieutenant and he told me to do what I had to.

I opened the port to the androids main system and was able to activate her. She bolted up and gasped in panic. She backed away into the corner and looked at us in a terrified way. I slowly crouched down and asked her some questions. We didn't have much time before she would deactivate again.



"You were damaged and I reactivated you. Everything is all right". I said clearly. She looked less scared but still confused. She turned to the bed and saw the body. "Is he... is he dead?.."

"Tell me what happened". I instructed. There wasn't much time.

She shook her head in worry. "He started...hitting me...again...and again".  "Did you kill him?"

"No... no it wasn't me..." She cried. 

"Who killed that man if it wasn't you?" I questioned frantically. 

"I... I don't know. I was in shutdown, I... I didn't see anything". She was panicking and her voice was shaky. I don't think she did it.

"Were you alone in the room? Was there anyone else with you?"

"He wanted to play with two girls... That's what he said, there were two of us..." "What model was the other android? Did it look like you?"

Before she could answer, she shut down and stayed motionless in her place. I sighed in defeat and stood up. Where would they have gone?

Maybe, they're still here.

I rushed out of the room and probed the memories of the androids in the centre of the building. They must have seen something. Anything.

Eventually I found a trail of androids who saw where she went which led to an old back room that seemed to be a restricted area. A possible place for an android to hide.

Hank followed me down the white hallway but told me to wait before I touched the handle to the door at the end of it.

"I'll take it from here". I stepped aside and Hank took out his gun. He looked at me as if he was asking if I was ready. I glanced back and Hank opened the door widely, holding his gun up. It seemed to be a warehouse where a few androids were lined up against the walls. Non seemed to be broken, but them seemed to be very similar models to each other. The deviant didn't run very long ago, so it is a high possibility that she's still here. We stepped down the small amount of stairs and cautiously stepped between each row of androids, making sure we didn't walk past the suspected deviant.

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